Suspicious Bubbles + Here Be Monsters

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Not sure if it's a bug per se, but whilst mapping the edge of my world I came across some Suspicious Bubbles that ended up leading into the fog. This happened with 4 different sets of Suspicious Bubbles in a row! Going through the fog in the same direction as the bubbles led to nothing.


I'm wondering if this is similar to the rare bug of Koalafont footprints leading off land in the base game (something I've only seen once in nearly 300 hours), or if it's intended and the whale just swam off into the fog, nothing more.



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Here's hoping. I've just had it happen a fifth time! :nightmare:


Having made both, I'd go for the Blubber suit (if you can find a whale that doesn't want to be with the monsters). From what I could tell the Windbreaker doesn't offer as decent protection from the rain (if any).

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