[Mod] More Augment Slots

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What this mod does:

Increases the max augment limit to 8 (HUD cannot see past 8 augments).

Install up to 8 augments slots at an augment machine.

Mainly for Endless runs.


How to install this mod:


Locate Invisible Inc/scripts.zip.

Backup scripts.zip


Unzip scripts.zip

Locate sim/abilities file


Replace useAugmentMachine.lua (attached below)

Rezip scripts file.


Majority of credits goes to x43x61x69 for his cheat which I then modified to make it more balanced. (His cheat lets you install augments immediately without checking for augment slots)


Working Version:


It could still be working for the updated versions. 


How to check your version:

Press F1 when in Invisible Inc.


I noticed that this mod may have conflicts with other mods modifying useAugmentMachine.lua so perform the steps below (does not require download) to make it compatible with other mods.


Using a simple text editor, find:

			elseif choice == 2 then				if userUnit:getTraits().augmentMaxSize >= (userUnit:getTraits().augmentMaxCapacity or simdefs.DEFAULT_AUGMENT_CAPACITY) then									mission_util.showDialog( sim, "", STRINGS.UI.DIALOGS.AUGMENT_MACHINE_MAXED )					sim:dispatchEvent( simdefs.EV_UNIT_USEDOOR_PST, { unitID = userUnit:getID(), facing = facing } )				else					sim:dispatchEvent( simdefs.EV_PLAY_SOUND, {sound="SpySociety/Objects/AugmentInstallMachine", x=x0,y=y0} )					userUnit:getTraits().augmentMaxSize = userUnit:getTraits().augmentMaxSize + 1									userUnit:setKO( sim, 2 )						unit:getTraits().used = true						unit:getTraits().mainframe_status = "off"					sim:dispatchEvent( simdefs.EV_UNIT_REFRESH, { unit = unit } )					sim:getStats():incStat("safes_looted")						sim:triggerEvent(simdefs.TRG_USE_AUGMENT_MACHINE, { unit=userUnit, shop = unit, newslot = true } )				end 


and replace it entirely with:

			elseif choice == 2 then				-- if userUnit:getTraits().augmentMaxSize >= (userUnit:getTraits().augmentMaxCapacity or simdefs.DEFAULT_AUGMENT_CAPACITY) then								-- 	mission_util.showDialog( sim, "", STRINGS.UI.DIALOGS.AUGMENT_MACHINE_MAXED )				-- 	sim:dispatchEvent( simdefs.EV_UNIT_USEDOOR_PST, { unitID = userUnit:getID(), facing = facing } )				-- else				if userUnit:getTraits().augmentMaxSize >= 8 then									mission_util.showDialog( sim, "", STRINGS.UI.DIALOGS.AUGMENT_MACHINE_MAXED )					sim:dispatchEvent( simdefs.EV_UNIT_USEDOOR_PST, { unitID = userUnit:getID(), facing = facing } )				else					sim:dispatchEvent( simdefs.EV_PLAY_SOUND, {sound="SpySociety/Objects/AugmentInstallMachine", x=x0,y=y0} )					userUnit:getTraits().augmentMaxSize = userUnit:getTraits().augmentMaxSize + 1									userUnit:setKO( sim, 2 )						unit:getTraits().used = true						unit:getTraits().mainframe_status = "off"					sim:dispatchEvent( simdefs.EV_UNIT_REFRESH, { unit = unit } )					sim:getStats():incStat("safes_looted")						sim:triggerEvent(simdefs.TRG_USE_AUGMENT_MACHINE, { unit=userUnit, shop = unit, newslot = true } )				-- end				end 



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