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Lead suits not counting for the "Job Suitability" achievement

  • Branch: Live Branch Version: Windows Fixed

For the first time in Oxygen Not Included, I've managed to get myself docks for the lead suits AND right next to their bedroom, which means they cannot get out of their room without their suit on. This was for the purpose of getting the "Job Suitability" achievement, which explains that all duplicants must perform at least one errand for 10 cycles in a row with exosuits. It doesn't say "Atmo Suits" or "Jet Suits", but Exosuits which would mean in common knowledge any kind of suit that would protect duplicants from environmental hazards.

The problem I'm facing here, is that Lead Suits don't seem to count for the achievement. All of my 8 duplicants do their errands in suits as they should, but the requirements for the achievement do not get checkmarked no matter what. The requirements show that 0 duplicants have done any errands during the cycle.1304493353_Capturedcran(190).thumb.png.dbe551f5b3d4b8785163c3ce5a6517fd.png

Steps to Reproduce

Play a sandbox game preferably (you don't want to do all this hassle without sandbox anyway), create a fully functioning set of lead suit docks with a checkpoint, give errands to all the duplicants, then check if the requirements for the "Job Suitability" are checkmarked. If it doesn't work, repeat the process but with atmo suits instead, then check for the achievement's requirements. If atmo suits grant the checkmark but not the lead suits, then this is a bug.

User Feedback

A developer has marked this issue as fixed. This means that the issue has been addressed in the current development build and will likely be in the next update.

Changed Status to Fixed

This will be fixed in the next public testing release. There may be hotfixes to release before that which will not include this fix.

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