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Duplicants in oxygen mask occasionally use sheering station until they suffocate.

  • Branch: Live Branch Version: Windows Pending


There are a couple things to note about this build.  First of all, Ranch Ashkan can easily leave this area and his mask is out of oxygen, but he still hasn't left.  He is also 2 blocks in to his downtime and should have left for that reason as well.  He appears to be stuck and I think he stayed stuck until there were no critters left.  He is sheering dreckos and he naturally stops when there are no more critters before dying this time.  However, I have let this play out before and duplicants will die to this.

The Merry Abyss.sav This is a save where the issue can occur.  Unfortunately, I don't have a save where it was happening because I accidentally overwrote it.  Loading did immediately resolve the issue.  I do have a few mods, but I don't think any of them affect ranching or critter (or at the very least drecko) behavior.  Parts of the base will explode if you don't have Tiny Doors (to avoid the door heat duplication/manipulation), so I recommend installing that before examining this colony.

Steps to Reproduce

Unsure as to what causes this, but a brief description of my setup where it happens:

  1. Build a room only accessible by oxygen mask (not sure if this is required) with a hydrogen atmosphere and a floor of 1 tile deep airflow tiles to absorb the CO2.  No oxygen at all.
  2. Build multiple sheering stations (unknown if this is related).
  3. Populate the room with a large number of dreckos
  4. Get to a point where there are a large number of unsheered dreckos (required for event to occur, as it ends when there are no more dreckos to sheer)
  5. Wait for a duplicant to get stuck

User Feedback

Hi, do you recall if Ranch Ashkan was actually sheering the dreckos or if he was "stuck" sheering the drekos?. did the working progress bar appeared to be moving? 

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Is this an issue with them not canceling their current task when they run out of oxygen, or will they also begin to shear another Drecko while suffocating as well?

Edited by Vita Kaninen

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5 hours ago, DanielB said:

Hi, do you recall if Ranch Ashkan was actually sheering the dreckos or if he was "stuck" sheering the drekos?. did the working progress bar appeared to be moving? 

I thought he was sheering dreckos.  He isn't whistling, he is facing the sheering stations like he is sheering.  I think I was wrong though, as I can't tell if there is a drecko on the sheering station and I don't see a progress bar.  I'll try to trigger it again.

5 hours ago, Vita Kaninen said:

Is this an issue with them not canceling their current task when they run out of oxygen, or will they also begin to shear another Drecko while suffocating as well?

It seemed to me that they were sheering drecko after drecko for the reasons I said before, but perhaps he isn't sheering anything.

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It looks like the masks aren't the cause.  Res Nikola here is ranching and sheering, but keeps jumping off.  It appears to happen more at high speeds. It also seems to stop when I pause and give them time to think about their lives and how they don't want to die.

The second video shows it being lethal.

The third video shows the dancing on and off the machine with the mask, as well as overriding both downtime and bed time.  It was also almost lethal.

And in the fourth video, much to my surprise, this even overrides death.  I promise I don't work my dupes that hard.  Also, it occurs with only one dupe sheering.  Once I reduced speed to normal, she immediately died.


Edited by Zarquan

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The experimentation shows that this is actually extremely consistent at fast speed.  I set up each scenario and it happened within half a cycle each time.  I would probably experience it more, but I don't tend to play on max speed.

Edited by Zarquan

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Seems more related to the Grooming Station.  I've had a dup suffocate twice while grooming Slicksters with no mask/suit.  He won't leave unless given a move command.

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10 hours ago, ONIZone said:

Seems more related to the Grooming Station.  I've had a dup suffocate twice while grooming Slicksters with no mask/suit.  He won't leave unless given a move command.

I suspect that this is caused by the idea that when a dupe stops or finishes sheering or grooming, they automatically start again, but the game doesn't currently differentiate reasons for stopping properly, so they stop and immediately start again if the game is running at high speed. 

Edited by Zarquan

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This bug still happens, but it seems to be much more intermittent after the last patch.  Now, its mostly a problem of the dupes not using the bathroom regularly.  Perhaps I should just have a 20 second timer that turns off the machines for 2 seconds to kick them off.

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