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Sweep, Tidy, and Supply Bugs/Quirks

  • Branch: Live Branch Version: Windows Pending

I suspect that in the attempt to fix the problem of groundskeepers (and "tidy") not sweeping unless "supply" was assigned, a few additional bugs and/or knock-on effects have occurred. While I realize reports should generally address ONE bug at a time, I feel these are so interconnected that separate reports would be counterproductive. 

1. Groundskeeper/Tidy Doesn't Sweep Unless Sweep Job Is Ordered: 

  • Assign a dupe to groundskeeper (or to "tidy" task).
  • Ensure dupe does NOT have "supply" task assigned.
  • Dig something up and have appropriate storage compactor available (WITHOUT "sweep only" on compactor).
  • Groundskeeper/tidier will not sweep.
  • Issue a sweep order, and then they will sweep.

2. "Supply" Will Sweep Without Groundskeeper Job or a Sweep Order:

  • Assign a dupe to "supply."
  • Ensure dupe does NOT have "tidy" or groundskeeper assigned.
  • Dig something up and have appropriate storage compactor available (WITHOUT "sweep only" on compactor).
  • DO NOT issue a sweep order.
  • Supplier will sweep.

The above two behaviors result in the following:

  • A groundskeeper idling because you haven't issued a sweep order, while a non-groundskeeper with "supply" will start sweeping everything when they have nothing else to do or when a high-priority storage container (compactor or fridge) requires it.
  • Food WILL get swept up without issuing a sweep order, but only by dupes with "supply" assigned, not by groundskeepers.

The potential problems with the current behavior:

  • First and foremost, if sweeping is a groundskeeper/tidy job, it should only be done by those with said job/assignment. Supply shouldn't result in sweeping at all anymore, unless you break out things that are considered "delivery" vs. things that are considered "tidying." It's confusing to players if nothing else.
  • Requiring groundskeepers/tidy to have a "sweep order" renders the "sweep only" feature of compactors meaningless. The point of that feature was to allow players control over whether dupes "tidy up" on their own in their free time or whether we want to stop that behavior unless we tell them to do it.
  • The current buggy/quirky behavior is actually now the only thing that still allows players to continue to do things like automatic, non-ordered slime sweeping to a high-priority compactor or automatic, non-ordered delivery of food items to food storage/fridges. However, it's only going to be done by those with "supply" (gofers/couriers or manual "supply" task assignment).
  • But the above means that our gofers/couriers will run around sweeping up everything we might not want them to if, for example, our food storage is on a higher priority than the build job we want them to bring materials to.

Again, not sure if this is intentional, the buggy remnants of the recent hotfix, or an unforeseen knock-on effect, but I do think it's problematic in its current iteration and in desperate need of refinement/correction :D

Steps to Reproduce
Steps are included in the report above.
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User Feedback

As someone else already pointed out, "groundsweeper" is not a job but just education / training.

The task to collect stuff is triggered by having space in a container with adequate priority. Manual sweep request overrides that priority.

If jobs (what each dupe shall do) and education (currently under "Jobs") would be separated and properly labelled then it would be more clear what they mean.

BTW, hats could be removed again, so that the dupes can increase the decor for both other dupes and the player by showing their beautiful hair.

Edited by Master Miner

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On 2/21/2018 at 3:34 AM, Master Miner said:

The task to collect stuff is triggered by having space in a container with adequate priority. Manual sweep request overrides that priority.

With all due respect, I've been playing this game since it was in alpha. This bug report has nothing to do with me not understanding how sweeping works. There was a recent hotfix that changed how sweeping works for tidiers. Before the hotfix, groundskeepers would not sweep ("tidy") unless they also had the "supply" task assigned. The hotfix removed the need for them to have "supply," and the above outlines the problems with the implementation.

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28 minutes ago, Keyimin said:

There was a recent hotfix that changed how sweeping works for tidiers. Before the hotfix, groundskeepers would not sweep ("tidy") unless they also had the "supply" task assigned. The hotfix removed the need for them to have "supply," and the above outlines the problems with the implementation.

Yes, and I'm just giving a view on the problems from another perspective.

One problem is how education / training is labelled and that brings in a lot of confusion. "Jobs" are not really jobs, but rather education / training, so currently, assigning e.g. "groundskeeper" means only that some of their skills / buffs will increase after some time and that they will be able to perform distinct tasks.

The other problem is that apparently "tidy" is just renamed "mop".

Edited by Master Miner

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