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Plant harvested but no yield

  • Branch: Preview Branch Version: Windows Fixed

I encounter this with mealwood, but there is big possibility this happen to other plants as well. If dupe finish harvesting while plant grow halted, there will be no yield but plant grow back to 0%. This happen occasionally if there is a bit of CO2 (from dupe breath) dropping into plant, which make that plant halted a bit because low pressure of CO2.

What I expect to happen is either harvest job fail, OR it succeed and drop yield normally like how it does when plant grow not halted.

Steps to Reproduce
Let mealwood fully grown and dupe harvest it. Before he finish harvesting, drop some chlorine to make mealwood grow halted. Harvesting task will be complete, plant back to 0% grow but there is no meal lice.

User Feedback

A developer has marked this issue as fixed. This means that the issue has been addressed in the current development build and will likely be in the next update.

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