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Microbe musher bug in automation update

  • Branch: Live Branch Version: Steam Pending

My current colony is between harvests and low on food so I have them using the microbe musher, but no one will stick with it long enough to extrude any food no matter how high a priority I make it, so the colony is starving.

There seem to be several bugs involved with the microbe musher problem. For one thing, the recipe displayed when I click on the mush bar is the vitamin chew recipe from the apothecary. For another, when I do see a dupe go to the microbe musher and start to do the job, they get a "no power" notice and immediately abandon the task. But the musher is five tiles away from a functioning coal generator. I watched the power overlay for a while to see if the wires were turning yellow or red to indicate strain or overload when the musher was turned on. But dupes tried to use it a few times, got the no power notice and left, and the power grid stayed white the whole time.

While I'm bug reporting, the apothecary tells me I have exactly enough balm lily left in storage to make one vitamin chew, but when I queue a vitamin chew, the icon is greyed out and the apothecary suddenly registers zero balm lilies. But according to the inventory list, I do have the balm lily. Since the vitamin chew recipe is also appearing on the microbe musher, seems like these bugs might be related.

Steps to Reproduce
Not sure... try to make a vitamin chew when you only have 1 balm lily in inventory and then check the mush bar recipe on the microbe musher?

User Feedback

Had this myself and took my colony to starvation for me to realize what was going on. My meal lice recipe turned into the suit recipe. I've also seen on a youtuber's vid where his suit recipe temporarily became a vitamin recipe. 

Screen Shot 2017-11-22 at 2.17.01 AM.png

I really hope my colony hasn't been literally eating away my copper now that I think about it lol

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While I'm bug reporting, the apothecary tells me I have exactly enough balm lily left in storage to make one vitamin chew, but when I queue a vitamin chew, the icon is greyed out and the apothecary suddenly registers zero balm lilies. But according to the inventory list, I do have the balm lily. Since the vitamin chew recipe is also appearing on the microbe musher, seems like these bugs might be related.

You mean it refuses to make the item when it reserves the balm lily for the queued job?

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