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Dups running to invisible water

  • Branch: Live Branch Fixed

I'm not sure if anybody else is having this issue but for whatever reason my dups keep running and getting 1000G of water from a spot where there isn't any water. I have tried moving them to a different location but they keep running back after moving them to a different project. This tends to happen the most when water has dripped or been drained from a area where a body of water was. It's very irritating having to priority everything else above 5 just so they will move on to something different. This tends to happen at random spots. Anybody else having this issue?

Steps to Reproduce
Allow water to drip in from another area or break spot for water to drain out. Happens in random locations.

User Feedback

A developer has marked this issue as fixed. This means that the issue has been addressed in the current development build and will likely be in the next update.

I've been running into this issue as well, and with trying to use an algae terrarium this causes the duplicants to basically get stuck trying to fill the terrarium 1KG at a time and forces me to basically destroy or lower the priority to them and resort to only using the deoxidizer which then puts me in a power crisis.

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Miniscule amounts of water are not clearly visible but should show up when you hover over the tiles.

Solution to the duplicants picking water from those spots is to order them to mop the area.

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