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Birds and Quantum Entaglement

  • Version: PC/MAC/Linux Fixed

Ok, so this was weird, I placed a parrot into my bird cage, but the game acted as if I placed it down, so my lazy forager picked it up, even though it's still in the birdcage. So now I have two birds. And it also acts like it's the same bird...so I don't even know.

Ok, so I just fed one of the birds, and all the "cloned" birds in my inventory were also fed. Also, I murdered one of the birds in my inventory, and only one was killed, but I cannot murder the other one, and as soon as I selected it, it disappeared from my inventory, and when I went to harvest all the other cloned birds, they disappeared as well.

So I think my quantum entanglement title might hold more water than I thought. (See what I did there? Water? Shipwrecked? ...I'm sorry.)

Steps to Reproduce
Catch a bird, then equip the lazy forager, place the bird down have the lazy forager to automatically pick it up, then place the bird in a birdcage. The bird will then be both in your inventory and in your birdcage.

User Feedback

A developer has marked this issue as fixed. This means that the issue has been addressed in the current development build and will likely be in the next update.

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