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Destruction of city buildings and decorations with executive hammer puts pigs in a panic and aggro the city guard

  • DLC VERSION - IMPORTANT!: Hamlet Pending

This may be intended, but it always seemed strange to me. Destroying with an ordinary hammer makes sense, but the executive hammer is a special editing item given to the player by the Queen specifically for this purpose - to change the layout of the city. And it's really inconvenient, especially due to the fact that the city guards "remember" their agro. To reset it, every hostile guard must be killed, but this can provoke non-hostile guards around, which greatly complicates any attempt to change the position of buildings if the guards are nearby. Especially if you're trying to make changes to the position of their towers. All this complicates the restructuring of the city, and it seems to me that the executive hammer should be perceived as a sign that you have the right to do this. Again, this is an item given by the Queen. This is literally a royal permission. But residents still panic.

Steps to Reproduce

1 - Take the executive hammer.

2 - Destroy anything with it while the residents or guards are nearby.

3 - Be perceived as a vandal as if you don't have royal approval for this activity.

User Feedback

The only thing I've tried to destroy with the hammer is guard towers, so it made sense to me that it aggroed them because I too would have some opinions about it if I was working at a job I enjoyed and someone bulldozed my workplace, but it really still aggros them if you use it on anything else? That's super inconvenient if you messed up the placement of a building, which seems like one of the main things the Executive Hammer is for.

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6 hours ago, CameoAppearance said:

but it really still aggros them if you use it on anything else?

Yep, that's right. I tested it on a decorative vase of roses to make sure it wasn't fixed in beta. Sure thing, that made them angry. This is especially funny, considering that in the city there can spawn a line of vases with one that is placed "incorrectly" and is out of line to annoy all perfectionists who stumble upon it. It's just a fun little prefab, but be sure that trying to put that vase in right place will upset the pigs around. It's just ridiculous.

Edited by Lokena
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