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Pig house stop respawning pigs until server restart.

  • Fixed

Please read the step to reproduce section

Steps to Reproduce
1) Build a pig house at the moon stone. Use wall to trap the pig so it cannot go back to its house at evening. 2) Advance to full moon, let the pig from the pig house transform into werepig. 3) place the star caller staff at the moonstone to activate the moon staff event. 4) Let the hounds and werepig damage the moonstone/ let the moon staff event finish. 5) Mine the resulting moonrock statues 6) The pig house is now glitched and will not spawn any more pigs, until server restart.

User Feedback

A developer has marked this issue as fixed. This means that the issue has been addressed in the current development build and will likely be in the next update.

Sounds like someone forgot to tell the spawner to nil out its child and start respawning, since the spawner component only natively does this when its child dies.  I'll bet turning to moon (or being mined out) doesn't count as death.

Should be an easy enough fix.


Spawner could stand to be a little more robust anyway, if its intent is to be the big component for spawning a consistent special creature.  Or I suppose they could just horribly wedge a mile long

if v.components.homeseeker and v.components.homeseeker.home and v.componenents.homeseeker.home.components.spawner then

v.components.homeseeker.home.components.spawner.child = nil v.components.homeseeker.home.components.spawner:SpawnWithDelay(v.components.homeseeker.home.components.spawner.delay)


between lines 176 and 177 of moonbeastspawner.  Hounds use their own childspawner though so that probably demands its own exception, but maybe it's better at filing its corpses than spawner is.

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