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Force disconnect whenever I get near to my base

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Well, I have this weird bug where whenever I get near to my own base, I was forced disconnected. Idk if it's a mod conflict as I haven't had time to check through.

My subscribed mods are here: https://steamcommunity.com/id/zacqiang/myworkshopfiles/?appid=322330&browsesort=mysubscriptions&browsefilter=mysubscriptions&p=1

The issue that I'm facing screen captured: https://youtu.be/olMUKaCWF2g

I also attached the client log.txt. 

Steps to Reproduce

Please check out my video linked above.

Edit: I found out the problem. It was a random lureplant spawn.

Fixed the problem and linked this video for reference: 


User Feedback

I kind of found the issue of what's causing the crash.

A lureplant randomly spawning on top of the Automatic Chest Sorter mod.

I turned off everything, and went to my base to check it out.

And I re-enabled the mods and rollbacked to check again, no issues this time.

I have linked a video showing how I did it: 

Thanks for your help, I thought it was the client mods that were messing with my game lol

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Yeah if it were a client mod, then you'd see a white text screen of a stack trace.  Since it's a disconnect that means the server itself got the stack trace in its server logs.

I'd also report this to the mod author of the mod responsible for creating the bug, it's probably trying to auto-sort items inside the lureplant bulb in error.

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