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Abigail stops attacking enemies at seemingly random intervals

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To my knowledge, this bug has been around ever since Wendy got her refresh, however I don't exactly yet know what precisely causes it to trigger. The video shows a few instances of it happening, although even when trying to get it to intentionally occur it seemed to be kind of random.

Generally, Abigail can be made to attack the enemy again by pushing her, either away from the enemy (causes her to chase after the enemy and start attacking as usual) or into the enemy (makes her start attacking), or by simply walking away so that Abi follows you and gets unstuck.

This leads me to believe the bug has something to do with Abigail's "chase" behavior not synchronizing with the range at which she is allowed to start attacking enemies; in order words, Abigail might be attempting to initiate combat with the enemy while the game forces her to stay stuck in place and doesn't let her approach it, leading to this awkward interaction where she becomes immobile and harmless.

The most common enemy by far this happens with is Crab King; it's pretty much impossible to do a Crab King fight as Wendy without the bug triggering at least once or twice. This might or might not be a different bug caused by Abigail's pathfinding behavior on water, or it might be the same bug exacerbated by said interaction.

Steps to Reproduce

1. Play Wendy
2. Get trolled by Abigail at seemingly random intervals

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