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Boomerang bug

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Whenever you throw a boomerang, it hits a target, and it tries to return to you. You can get away from the boomerang before it returns to you. If you get away from the boomerang until it is no longer registered on the screen, then the boomerang will start bugging out.

So, one example is if you toss the boomerang and quickly jump into a wormhole before it returns to you. Once you come back, you will find that the boomerang indefinitely travels in one direction. You can also replicate this in normal gameplay without a wormhole by running faster than the boomerang given enough speed boosts.

Furthermore, you can pick it up, and then drop it back on the floor, and it will continue to move quickly in the direction it was last moving.


Steps to Reproduce
Throw a boomerang at something and quickly jump in a wormhole, and then return to where the boomerang was last.

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