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Day count advanced ~80 days & Active Cacti during hurricane season.

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Day 310-something or maybe 320 something, not exactly sure. Hurricane season. I decide to get more cacti from the volcano, drink my coffee, equip my walking stick then make my way to the volcano. I traveled and arrived during the night. Once inside the Volcano, make it to my mini-base, place the bird cage I was holding on to as the day arrives. To my surprise, despite it being hurricane season I find all the elephant cacti active. I kill one myself, decide that it isn't worth wasting armor on it, so lure some dragoons nearby to kill 2 more, dig them up. It s almost dusk, so I leave the volcano as the dusk arrives. Yet, I'm surprised again. It was (almost?) dusk when I was leaving, but when I was out it was bright day light. I look at the clock, which now shows day 400, early morning. I go to my base, check perishables, nothing has turned into rot, so they definitely didn't advance forward 80 days.

Edit: I sent a link to a copy of my saved game to "CapyChristian" in a forum message. This is after the issue, unfortunately I don't have one from before. Also to add to above. The saved same in the game menus also show 400+ days.

Steps to Reproduce
1- Enter volcano 2 -??? 3- Day count advances.

User Feedback

Ooookay.. Now the days are going backwards. I just loaded the save again. I had saved it at day 401, it loaded at day 399.

Immediately saved and loaded again. It stayed stable at 399.

In each save and load I quit the game and restart it.

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I have the exact same thing here too. Everytime I save and quit, the days counter gets reset.


I found a probably bugged place in the code: it seems to be in DLC0002/scripts/gamelogic.lua

I think this is responsible of this strange behaviour (function is PopulateWorld)

elseif catch_up > 0 and GetClock().numcycles == 0 then
	-- When a new world is generated we set its clock to the other world
	-- for cosmetic/bragging reasons (although it will affect the hounds)
	local catch_up_round = math.floor(catch_up / TUNING.TOTAL_DAY_TIME)
	GetClock().numcycles = catch_up_round

Everytime the game is loaded the GetClock().numcycles gets reset based on this difference

catch_up = player_age - world_age

If I am not mistaken, this difference will never change when you jump in a new world (or volcano, caves)


I hope this helps


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