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Hamlet Endgame Goals?

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What are Hamlet endgame goals for an average player? By average I mean someone who knows the game decently well, but is not familiar with every trick, kiting pattern, and way to game the system in the game. I know some folk here pretty much completed the DLC by day 12 lol.

In RoG (the expansion I played the most) there were the Ruins. While certainly easy for some, for a nooblet like me they were something I felt I should be quite prepared for - fighting items, food stuffs, sanity management stuffs, a strategic ruins base, a depth worm defense system etc. The seasons - winter and summer - also warranted some solid preparation be in the form of an auxillary base, ice flingomatics, food stockpiles or whatever else. Even spring's frog rain could be quite a party pooper if catching me off guard.

I don't think I've seen anything like that in the Hamlet so far. The ruins here are much smaller and easier to go in and out comfortably, the bats fly so making any sort of trap-field won't be of any help, the seasons won't be solved by some diligent preparation (they're kinda binary - either you got da hat or u done goof'd).

So I'm curious what should you aim for, what is THE THING that makes it feel rewarding to build an intricate base/new city/stash base? What are the biggest, longest challenges that cannot be faced by an average player from the get go?

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I agree 100% with this.

Shipwreck to me had a similar feeling. Once you finished 1 year, it seem to just be extra... Almost everything was done. In ROG, you can be on your 2nd year and you haven't even killed all the boss, even as a veteran. Having a "post game boss" to me is awesome challenge to look forward and prepare for, or escalating danger in the form of hounds or boss spawning.


Hamlet feel like it doesnt push you enough around.The only thing you really need to deal with 2 seasons are 1 hat for each of them, it feels like there would need more. The vines are a good start but i feel like the glowflies dont respawn on 2nd year which could be a challenge. That or if the eggs were in more regions, because really it just push you out of the rainforest for a season. It would be nice if they came to attack you a bit.

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55 minutes ago, Ellilea said:

What are Hamlet endgame goals for an average player? By average I mean someone who knows the game decently well, but is not familiar with every trick, kiting pattern, and way to game the system in the game. I know some folk here pretty much completed the DLC by day 12 lol.



Complete everything by day 12? Playing normally? Right, sure. Maybe they accomplished their end goal by day 12, which is touch here and touch there but to complete explore in 12 days (there are certain things that only happen after day 11) it, it's a joke.

It would take double that much to see everything if not more. I survived 16 days and I feel like I barely moved from beginning phase, so much more to left to explore and discover.

My bet would be building towns and ruins, cave, ant lair and jungle (more content is surely coming for them)


Shipwreck to me had a similar feeling. Once you finished 1 year, it seem to just be extra... Almost everything was done. In ROG, you can be on your 2nd year and you haven't even killed all the boss, even as a veteran. Having a "post game boss" to me is awesome challenge to look forward and prepare for, or escalating danger in the form of hounds or boss spawning.

Honestly ROG feels like recycle of existing content over and over again. And I have RoG and played it since release, sorry to say.

You have so much left to do ... that feels absolutely like repeating yourself, just different label. And Bosses are not even the highlight of expansion. Creatures are meh, after you complete one play through you pretty much want to never do that part of game ever again or just skip it. RoG had introduced many good stuff but  at the same time felt so empty in many areas.

RoG actually was promises Klei made to add to the base game itself but never reached that goal. So, they made expansion with content that never made there.

On the topic though Hamlet may lacks content at the moment but it does bring fresh feel to the game and I really hope they focus on expanding it even more in the direction they began with.


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I'm not sure if I want more flying stuff randomly attacking me :D The bats are just a pain in the ass and there doesn't seem to be any reliable way to build a defense against them like a trap field or Batius Shootius.

A big-ass, dangerous ruin-maze could be great. Say, you go in, you get a riddle, you solve it and you open something like a sickly wormhole. You can throw stuff in, you can go in yourself, but you cannot get out the same way. So if you enter, you're in for a dangerous end-game adventure you better be prepared for.

I have no idea how the Porkapocalypse will work, but connecting that to a voluntary-but-incentivized dangerous dungeon crawl would be sweet.


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I think you should always be able to get out of a place you go in. The game is about preparation and challenging yourself as far as you want, not life or death thing. Maybe becasue of meat effigies its not so bad but still. I do agree with a secret part of a ruin or something to give us access to a secret area that would be harder... Its a great spot to put it. Similar to ruins with caves.

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