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Lmao 10 moslings at the same time (0o0)/ (READ DESC)

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So like u're sawing on the tittle, this is a strange episode of my normal plays in my main world, this happened right now and I wanted to show it because it's really cool and interesting to see (well u didn't saw it but ya know whow this is going to be narrated).

In my day 674-5 I was doing the same ritual a normal don't starve player do on spring: farm some Goose/Goose & Moslings for the down feathers.

Usually this boss spawns near the puddles with berry bushes, I walk to fight them (one is literally in my base and another is next the marble pieces setpiece), but they didn't spawn on two spawn point I searched.

Fortunately two Goose nests usually spawn near my base, so I go and killed the Two Goose; but there's the strange thing, the mosling didn't enrage, so I hit one of them to force another Goose spawn and when she spawned the group of 5 orphan mosling that didn't had a Goose grouped together with the other mosling group.

So there was 10 moosling waiting to cut my ass of whe I finished to kill that other Goose/Goose, and they do it X3X/.

Obviously I didn't die (I was prepared with bone armor, nightmare fuel and pierogies), but it's was really cute how all of the babies group together to stay safe near the new big mom, it was like in real life when a group of baby ducks lost his mother and them or they find her or just group with another herd if the duck mom whant to adopt them.

Obviously I got some extra loot, I really doesn't have any use rn because I don't want to rush the ruins again, and I want to finish the decoration of my base.

That's all guys, yeah I'm a boring boi, cya later.



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