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Some suggestions

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Suggestions for the beta:

The fog for the second season hinders our vision but it should also hinder the pig guards' vision! Making it easier to steal when it's foggy.

If you can't already, being able to bribe guards would be cool too (with a certain amount of oincs and they'd let you take resources for free for one occurrence).

After having a house for a while, maybe the mayor will start demanding you to pay taxes per season? (ie. electricity taxes) The amount can vary depending on how often you stay in your house.

If you try to kill a guard or pig civilian in Hamlet, the citizens all start to panic. Maybe this should have a sanity-lowering effect? As it's basically chaos and mania and everyone screaming at your character. And it's another punishment for being a law-breaker haha


Other suggestions for the future:

Being able to expand our house sizes, etc. And planting stuff outside our house can attract certain pigs' attentions.

Being able to make friendships and also enemies with certain Hamlet residents. This could lead to quests for certain residents etc. where you have to perform tasks or gather things to advance relationships or get exclusive items. Establishing a type of relationship could come with certain perks.

Events within Hamlet! For example, a harvest competition during autumn where the Hamlet residents and you compete for ex. the most pumpkins harvested or something.

Some kind of everchanging economy?


I'll edit and add onto this post as I come up with ideas. :)

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