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Some bugs and stuff

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I went into one of the pig houses, went outside again, checked the map and got curious if it changed while being inside of a house; so I went back in and checked. When I closed the map, I couldn't see anything (I couldn't hover over things either). I can't remember what exact shop it was because I can't go outside, but I included a screenshot of the map so you can see the icon of it just in case it's needed. Wilson's face might be covering it up, though. 

Another thing that happened was that the world generating sounds for some reason replayed when I spawned.


Some other things:

I don't know what to call the biome, but those leaves that appear on top of the screen are really distracting and take up a lot of space. The biome is already really detailed, so it gets kinda confusing. In my opinion the animation could be slowed down and maybe darkened a bit. 

The bubbly areas' (waterfall) little jump when you turn the camera feels unnatural to me. It's the same as the water edges in the normal game, right? But it's brighter so it makes the jump more obvious, I guess. 


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I had a similar occurrence with the house you can buy the deed to. I had saved outside in the village proper, then when I loaded my save later, when I enter my house, the UI is visible, but everything else is all black. The only thing I can do is hold space bar to exit the house. Exiting and reentering does not fix it. The outside looks fine, just inside the house is black. Entering a pig shop still displays fine. Exiting and reloading the game doesn't fix it either.

I had bought the house in an earlier play session and logged out of the game to do other things. I left my deed, a stack of oincs, some clippings, and a pair of clippers on the floor or on the display shelf. I did not buy any of the cosmetic upgrades, nor place any other structures. Is there any other data that might help? 

I would upload my save file, but My Docs/Klei/DoNotStarve/save is empty (except for another empty folder named mod_config_data).


Screen Shot 10-16-18 at 05.55 PM.PNG

Screen Shot 10-16-18 at 05.55 PM 001.PNG

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