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Just another topic about minor things

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Dung balls are too good of a flint source. Anything but 1 poop gotta have 10-20% chance IMO. That would make dung piles somewhat useful (now they are bad because of sanity drain). Also dung bugs on dung balls can collide with any object that has collision size, its fine, but that object can be a player too. Either make it drain ~30 sanity as a penalty or just make them ignore players. Not very useful, but makes sense?

Guardian pigs can use some charge attack... And chance drops, instead of 100% to drop free spear-axe and a torch... Would also be nice to have them lit player with increased chance (since torch attacks are a joke) and chase a little those, who hide in darkness.

Also food is super abundant

Pigs that have seen your theft still will trade with you, even when panic(though if only you can keep up the speed or make them go towards you). Perhaps better make them go home? Or alarm the whole town?

Trader pigs have no hit recovery. They are not meant to be killed, fine, but I want them dead. :>

Traders keep saying "Come tomorrow" for more then 2 days. :/

Butterflies are still afraid of land bounds. While frogs are not. Can they have that feature too?

Hippopatamoose should instead deal 4-5 points of chop damage to trees (like slurtle slime does in DST, but 4-5 times). Too useful for chopping. Jump preparations take them too long too.

Laser beam of Iron hulks can use some rework on their aim. (should shoot on current player position, instead of remembered one(perhaps with 30-40 degrees from remembered and current player position requirement?))

Jungle bats do panic when on fire, while normal ones dont.

Blue mushrooms cost 1 coin each. Wooot?

I had jungle bat wave come for me. None of them did make any sound for some reason (only the spawn sound). They also move weirdly when fly around player.

If you make spider monkey attack thunder bird - it will sit in its... home? As if nothing was happening. Not even puffed up. Though on death when player approaches - she plays her puff up & attack animation only to disappear before the bad thing will happen.

Broken unimportant rock pillar is the same entity as not broken one and has the same phrases for it... I think it can use different ones? Or am I missing something and it can be further processed? If so, I'd like character to tell how :>

Gnat swarm does aggro on thunderbirds (yeah light source?) but does nothing. So it keeps jumping on them, then repeating it after 1-2 secs. Frogs infinitely attack them too.

Dung bug will ignore his recovery if he gets thrown near dung ball and player will go too far from that ball. Should it really be searching for it while in recovery state? :>

Dogs (Pogs) have too big(?) search for food radius.

Light from torches can be seen trough pig houses.

Pangolden guy that drinks water can be used as a source of light at night (attack it with torch - it burns even when shielded).

Ive got my game finish without a crash when I did exit this weird... Hive? There were lamps with honey. Before exiting I did kill the worm, perhaps it has something to do with his decay. Can't really look into it properly. But it might be a thing if theres more reports on that.

Pigs keep getting stuck on tables. Can be used to fight guardian pigs for your own good. Also is annoying in case if shop keeper is right above the good you are buying (he will never replace it without your help)

Dung bugs also play their sound of recovering even after death.

Somehow I had like 15 white-firefly bugs spawn from a single flower and they were repeating it every time old ones despawn.

Sometimes machete doesnt spawn at start of the game.

Pogs (cute foxy food stealers) cant reach crockpot, but will attemp to. Forever. (if theres ingredients in it)

You get lots of coins for a single berry. Prolly unintended even.

When you visit dungeon at night - it will slowly loose light by cycling through daylight, dusk and none. I feel too lazy to go to bugtracker yet since I havent finished testing stuff.

It seems that while you are inside of darkness in dungeons but its still morning - you dont loose sanity.

You can feed berries to pigs, making them poop, then picking it up and getting a coin for that! Don't feed them to guards though.

Blue mushroom bought from shop didnt cost me sanity.

You can rebuild pig houses to spawn new pigs of random variation, but old ones will stay in the city(they will panic at dusk and night), making it possible to infinitely spawn pigs. As long as you can craft your hammers :>

Burning Tuber trees makes them black, but once you chop them once with a machete - they become completely normal. Except that they cant burn now.

Those ladies that buy feathers for money don't accept thunderbird feathers.

Ant queen and certain weathers that lower sounds sometimes dont rise them back.

Ancient robot parts can destroy buildings (ok) and partially rebuild them (I understand why, but it looks weird)

Would be nice to reduce processing to objects that are on screen and nearby.

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