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Help with a character perk- Transformation

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So Im starting work on my second character mod, my first one really only required I changed some values that already existed in the base files for her perks, but for this character, I really want to make it so he transforms into a different form when his sanity is low. Im guessing I could probably recycle code from Woodie's beaver transformation, but I have no idea how I'd tell it to change with sanity, as well as how I'd link the sprite. Im asking now because i dont like waiting and want to finish this mod relatively quickly because it's partially for a friend. 

(Sorry if I reply late to anyone on here, im multitasking, so I might not be able to see it until tomorrow, especially since it's already quite late here)

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This sounds like an easy job for DoPeriodicTask. With it you can do things in a set interval (like checking your characters sanity)

I would do something like this:

local master_postinit = function(inst)
	inst:DoPeriodicTask(1, function()
		if inst.components.sanity:GetPercent() < 0.5 then
			-- Do stuff
			-- Do other stuff

When you wish to change a characters visual appearance, i think you mean to change it's build?

I have made a character that changes her appearance based on the season:

local winter_skin = false

local function HandleSkinChange(inst)
	if TheWorld.state.iswinter and not winter_skin then
		winter_skin = true
	elseif not TheWorld.state.iswinter and winter_skin then
		winter_skin = false

What does this mean? Well, in my anim folder i have two ZIP-Files: avia.zip and avia_winter.zip.

Of course avia.lua, my character prefab, loads both assets:

local assets = {
    Asset("SCRIPT", "scripts/prefabs/player_common.lua"),
	Asset( "ANIM", "anim/avia.zip" ),
	Asset( "ANIM", "anim/avia_winter.zip"),

If you want to, you can always check the mod yourself as a start. I attach it to this post.


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Thanks! It is confusing to me but everything was confusing in the beginning! Ill catch on

1 hour ago, BakaSchwarz said:

This sounds like an easy job for DoPeriodicTask. With it you can do things in a set interval (like checking your characters sanity)

I would do something like this:

local master_postinit = function(inst)
	inst:DoPeriodicTask(1, function()
		if inst.components.sanity:GetPercent() < 0.5 then
			-- Do stuff
			-- Do other stuff

When you wish to change a characters visual appearance, i think you mean to change it's build?

I have made a character that changes her appearance based on the season:

local winter_skin = false

local function HandleSkinChange(inst)
	if TheWorld.state.iswinter and not winter_skin then
		winter_skin = true
	elseif not TheWorld.state.iswinter and winter_skin then
		winter_skin = false

What does this mean? Well, in my anim folder i have two ZIP-Files: avia.zip and avia_winter.zip.

Of course avia.lua, my character prefab, loads both assets:

local assets = {
    Asset("SCRIPT", "scripts/prefabs/player_common.lua"),
	Asset( "ANIM", "anim/avia.zip" ),
	Asset( "ANIM", "anim/avia_winter.zip"),

If you want to, you can always check the mod yourself as a start. I attach it to this post.



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