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Single volcano powered modular 500g -> 10kg/sec NG boiler.

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@AzeTheGreat Made the initial design, but it had a bit of issues with gas flow, and it did not scale well over 4.5kg.

After using erratic hours over course of 2-3 months I've a final design that is modular, eg we can boil anything between 500g/s to 10kg/s, collect it, burn it as energy into water, then breathe it.

The way it works is:

chamber 1 is always heating from magma, but if there's no oil then the heat is merely stored in the isolated chamber & the rocks/metal tiles.

chamber 2 is turning hot 300C oil into petroleum, before the final burn

chamber 3 is turning 120C oil in pipes into 300C oil, never going above 320-340C regulated by atmospheric temp sensors at 299.

chamber 4 collects the oil, and its cooled with 122-124C steam from polluted water, that is condensed and collected. The heat is transferred with gold radiant pipes & diamond tempshifts. The incoming oil also comes through this chamber, leaving at 120C. This room is regulated with atmo sensor, that over pressurises to 20kg/tile, then after 30seconds oil input is cut, until we are below 20kg/s again.

Here's the live build version screenshot, currently boiling at 1.5kg/s.



Here is the debugmode prototype/proof of concept on the left:



working 10kg model.sav

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