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[Help] Make Lucy equippable on other characters

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I'm trying to create a personal mod to make Woodies axe Lucy equippable on other characters (Wendy in this case). I know it works if I just change the IsValidOwner function in possessedaxe.lua, but I don't want to directly edit game prefabs. How can I overwrite the function in modmain.lua? I tried:

AddPrefabPostInit("possessedaxe", function(inst)

	local function IsValidOwner(inst, owner)
		return owner:HasTag("ghostlyfriend")


but it doesn't do anything. Any help would be appreciated.

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If I remember correctly, "possessedaxe" is a component, not a prefab. That is to say, you need to use "AddComponentPostInit" instead of "AddPrefabPostInit". Additionally, I think there's an extra bit of code involved in overwriting an existing function. I think in the past I've seen people write the code something like this:

AddComponentPostInit("possessedaxe", function(self, inst)

	local old_IsValidOwner = self.IsValidOwner
	self.IsValidOwner = function(inst, owner)
		return owner:HasTag("ghostlyfriend")


Hope this helps!

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Thanks for the help! Sadly it doesn't seem to work, Lucy is still slipping out of my hands.

Since it's a personal mod however, I'm just gonna stick to overwriting the possessedaxe component for now.

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