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Need help trying to make a throwable item apply increased damage to target

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hopefully i posted this in the right place this time

Currently im working on a mod of The Sniper from Team Fortress 2, and he owns an item item named Jarate. In the game, Jarate is a thrown jar that splashes upon impact. When splashed on enemies, they take 35% more damage for a period of time. I'm trying to replicate this in Don't Starve Together and have used the Mad Milk from CheeseNuggets and Jack's Scout mod as a base.

The item appearing, being throwable and applying the 'jarate' color all worked as intended, but I can't seem to figure out how to get the 35% increased damage taken effect to work.

In modmain.lua, there's the damage mutiplier made by Xupalex but so far I haven't gotten that to work with Jarate either. Mostly because I have no idea what I am doing.

Basically what I tried doing was add a damage mutiplier onto someone covered in Jarate, as seen near line 47 of jarate.lua

        if data.attacker and data.attacker.components.health then
            data.attacker.components.health:DoDelta(data.damage / 2,false,data.weapon)
        other:ListenForEvent("attacked", other.refunddamage, other)
        other.jaratetask = other:DoTaskInTime(TUNING.JARATED_DURATION, function()
        other:RemoveEventCallback("attacked", other.refunddamage, other)

What then happens is that I get the damage multiplier on the second hit, and then it doesn't go away.

Here's the .zip if anyone's willing to help me.


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Rather than adding a damage modifer to the user wouldn't it make more sense adding a armor penalty to the mobs affected.

The problem I think I see is maybe the mob dies, before it can wear off, you could either add a additional listen for event on the mob for when it dies to remove the modifer. But then you got a wierd scenario where multiple mobs could have the modifer and do wierd stuff. Also listen for events are called after damage is calculated, so your current method will always be 1 attack behind.

Instead adding a armor penalty on hit to the mobs, will be ready immediately and you don't have to worry about listenforevents rather just a timer that'll remove it.

I added a modifed version of Zupalex combat component adjustments to include a armour modifer

0.25 armour means +25% armour, so to make them take increased damage you'll need to reduce armour -0.25

1/1.35 is roughly -.26 armour penalty


---- Combat Component Adjustments by ZupaleX ----
----  to add/remove damage modifier
----  modified by Iron_Hunter
----  to also add/remove armour modifier
local function AddDamageModifier(self, key, mod) self.attack_damage_modifiers[key] = mod end
--owner.components.combat:AddDamageModifier("brewinghatbonus",1.2) -- multiplies the damage with 1.2
local function RemoveDamageModifier(self, key) self.attack_damage_modifiers[key] = nil end
--owner.components.combat:RemoveDamageModifier("brewinghatbonus") -- remove the bons and only this bonus, no other boni.
local function AddArmourModifier(self, key, mod) self.armour_modifiers[key] = mod end
local function RemoveArmourModifier(self, key) self.armour_modifiers[key] = nil end
local function GetDamageModifier(self)
   local mod = 1
   for k,v in pairs(self.attack_damage_modifiers) do
     mod = mod+(v-1)
   return mod
local function GetArmourModifier(self)
  local mod = 1
  for k,v in pairs(self.armour_modifiers) do
    mod = mod * (1-v)
  return mod
local function RegisterDamageModifiers(self)
	self.attack_damage_modifiers = {} -- % modifiers on self:CalcDamage()
	self.AddDamageModifier = AddDamageModifier
	self.RemoveDamageModifier = RemoveDamageModifier
	self.GetDamageModifier = GetDamageModifier
local function RegisterArmourModifiers(self)
	self.armour_modifiers = {} -- % modifiers on self:GetAttacked()
	self.AddArmourModifier = AddArmourModifier
	self.RemoveArmourModifier = RemoveArmourModifier
	self.GetArmourModifier = GetArmourModifier
AddComponentPostInit("combat", function(self)
    if self.attack_damage_modifiers == nil then -- check if another mod already added this. cause we should not add this twice
        local CalcDamageOld = self.CalcDamage
        self.CalcDamage = function(self, target, weapon, multiplier)
           local dmg = CalcDamageOld(self, target, weapon, multiplier)
           local bonus = self.damagebonus or 0 --not affected by multipliers
           return (dmg-bonus) * self:GetDamageModifier() + bonus
	if self.armour_modifiers == nil then
		local oldGetAttacked = self.GetAttacked
		function self:GetAttacked(attacker, damage, weapon, stimuli)
			damage = damage * self:GetArmourModifier()
			return oldGetAttacked(self, attacker, damage, weapon, stimuli)


Edited by IronHunter
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This is how I would of done it, I am tight for time atm I have to head out again. But I'll check back later:


local function applyjarate(inst, target)
	if target == nil then return end
    if target.components.inventoryitem ~= nil then target.components.inventoryitem:AddMoisture(20)end
	target:AddTag("jarated") --do you really need this tag?
	if target and target.AnimState then target.AnimState:SetAddColour(.5,.5,0,0)end
	target.components.combat:AddArmourModifier("jaratebonus", -0.26) --1/1.35 or about 35% more damage taken.
	target.jaratetask = target:DoTaskInTime(TUNING.JARATED_DURATION, function(target)
		target:RemoveTag("jarated") --do you really need this tag?
local function OnHitJarate(inst, attacker, target)
	local x, y, z = inst.Transform:GetWorldPosition()
    SpawnPrefab("waterballoon_splash").Transform:SetPosition(x, y, z)
	for i, ent in pairs(TheSim:FindEntities(x, y, z, 5, {"_combat", "_health"}, "structure")) do
	--only apply jarate to entities with combat and health components tags, doesn't apply to structures
		if ent ~= attacker and (TheNet:GetPVPEnabled() or not ent:HasTag("player")) then
		--if pvp is enabled then we apply to everybody, if pvp is off we apply to nonplayers. We never apply to our owner
			applyjarate(inst, ent)



I am almost certain I forgot a bracket, or a typo. But this is a loose structure I whipped up with the time I have on my break.


Edited by IronHunter
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5 hours ago, Danielance said:

It works great! Thanks a lot for all your help.

local function applyjarate(inst, target)
	if target == nil then return end
    if target.components.inventoryitem ~= nil then target.components.inventoryitem:AddMoisture(20)end
	target:AddTag("jarated") --do you really need this tag?
	if target.jaratetask ~= nil then target.jaratetask:Cancel() end
	if target and target.AnimState then target.AnimState:SetAddColour(.5,.5,0,0)end
	target.components.combat:AddArmourModifier("jaratebonus", -0.26) --1/1.35 or about 35% more damage taken.
	target.jaratetask = target:DoTaskInTime(TUNING.JARATED_DURATION, function(target)
		target:RemoveTag("jarated") --do you really need this tag?
		target.jaratetask = nil

Minor update, so your jarate extends duration, so we prevent early wearing off of jarate when applying it on existing jarated mobs.

Haven't tested it but it seems fine

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