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Help with Dedicated Server Mods?

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Alright, well, hello. Today, I put in 3 hours of effort to try and install a few mods on my dedicated server, alas I only found one guide and it appears as if it was written by a 2nd grader that failed English and only knew how to use Mac's nano function.
So, if anyone could, I'm using Mac OSX or just a basic Mac, and I already have a dedicated server. I could use an in-detail guide of how to set up server mods. Thanks in advance!

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The easiest way is to edit two files: One for downloading and updating the mods, the second one to actually activate and possibly configure the mods.

[Server root]/mods/Dedicated_server_mods_setup.lua

Add the mods like this, where the number is the id of the workshop link (This is an example for global positions."--" indicates that everything after is a comment, so you can write there what you want, in case you are wondering.)


ServerModSetup("378160973") -- Global Positions

[Server Save location]/[Cluster folder]/[Shard folder]/modoverrides.lua

Should look like this, where "enabled = true" causes the mod to load into the shard.

return {
    ["workshop-378160973"] = { enabled = true} --Global positions

Keep in mind that when adding multiple mods, you'll have to add commas between the mod loadings. Example

return {
    ["workshop-378160971"] = { enabled = true}, --Mod 1
    ["workshop-378160972"] = { enabled = true}, --Mod 2
    ["workshop-378160973"] = { enabled = true}, --Global positions
    ["workshop-378160974"] = { enabled = true} --Mod 4

Additionally you can configure some mods using this file according to the configuration options you'd have on the client as graphical options. It should look like this:

return {
    ["workshop-378160971"] = { enabled = true}, --Mod 1
    ["workshop-378160972"] = { enabled = true, configuration_options={ crafting="normal", duration=3500}}, --Mod 2
    ["workshop-378160973"] = { enabled = true}, --Global positions
    ["workshop-378160974"] = { enabled = true} --Mod 4

Hope I didn't forget anything.

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Thank you for everything! I double checked and did everything correctly, I believe, and I modified the modoverrides.lua in both folders, Master, and Caves. This is one thing I believe I may be incorrect on, but I deleted everything else in the dedicated_server_mods_setup.lua and the modoverrides.lua files so it's just the text you told me to put in, so correct me if I'm wrong there.

At this point, I'm wondering if maybe I'm just launching it incorrectly...? Help me if you could, thank you for everything XD

I followed the instructions here to setup my server:


I guess it's important for me to mention that I didn't have much of a clue what I was doing, I was just copy/pasting things into the terminal as I was told. In the end, however, it did run correctly, albeit I'm having difficulties with mods.

I currently boot the server by going into the terminal and running the command:


This boots up two of the dedicated server apps, the overworld and caves. If I boot it like this, the mods don't activate. I put a screenshot of the log in here.

Should I be booting the server a different way? How can I boot it to have both overworld and caves active?

Screen Shot 2018-05-26 at 12.03.02 PM.png

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Per se your way of launchign the server shouldn't cause any problems.

What some people had issues with was the automatic update and verification of the game files in the startup script:

./steamcmd.sh +force_install_dir "$install_dir" +login anonymous +app_update 343050 validate +quit

It essentially checks if the server files are in their original state, and if not they get redownlaoded from steam. This by itself is a very nice system, so people can rely on a reliably udpated and unbroken server. Unluckily on some systems the dedicated_server_mod_setup.lua file get's redownloaded as well, and therefore all mod setups get reset. Try uncommenting or deleting the line above, check your mods setup and then try launching the server again.

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Hi! Sorry for necroposting, I gave up and decided to come back to this after a while.
I think I set this up wrong. I did EVERYTHING you said, set everything up and checked different guides across the internet. I have everything installed correctly, here are every single one of my folders you mentioned. The modoverrides are the same on the master and caves shards.

What have I done wrong? This is very patience grinding ;-;




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Hm, everything seems to be correct indeed.

I assume you still get the message "Download mods (0)", right? That would indicate that the dedicated_server_mods_setup.lua is not properly found. Try checking the location again.


If that is all correct as it is, try renaming the file and check for any weird/foreign symbols. Or straight up delete the entire file name and type the name in manually again. This will get rid of any possibly invisible symbols messing up the DST server's file finding system. (Happened to me on a Linux system as well already.)

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Thank you for your patience!

I do still get the "DownloadMods(0)" message. I checked the location and yes, it's in the right place. I renamed the file "dedicated_server_mods_setup" to the same thing it is, and I manually typed it out, so I don't think there are any foreign symbols.

I also tried making a txt file instead of a lua file, and manually typed in everything about it, its name and contents, of course, that didn't work. I did replace it with the lua again afterward.

Here is the entire path to the lua:

On my desktop, I have a folder called "Compaction Folder" which is where all of my files are stored.

Compaction Folder/(a shortcut to) Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/Don't Starve Together Dedicated Server/dontstarve_dedicated_server_nullrenderer/Contents/mods/dedicated_server_mods_setup.lua

Is it in the right place?


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I'm running it on Linux, I'm not sure if it's a different parth on Mac, but for me it's the path


<DST server folder>/mods/dedicated_server_mods_setup.lua

Without the nullrenderer, etc. Never tried on any mac, and I can't check it either, because I don't own a mac. Maybe someone owning one can check if it's the correct path you have there. From what I see it seems correct itself, since there are the correct files in your mods folder.

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