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How can I add mods on server?


This not working

--There are two functions that will install mods, ServerModSetup and ServerModCollectionSetup. Put the calls to the functions in this file and they will be executed on boot.

--ServerModSetup takes a string of a specific mod's Workshop id. It will download and install the mod to your mod directory on boot.
	--The Workshop id can be found at the end of the url to the mod's Workshop page.
	--Example: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=350811795

--ServerModCollectionSetup takes a string of a specific mod's Workshop id. It will download all the mods in the collection and install them to the mod directory on boot.
	--The Workshop id can be found at the end of the url to the collection's Workshop page.
	--Example: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=379114180

--#Wormhole Marks

--#Health Info

--#Global Positions

--#Food Values

--#Finder Mod

--#Epic Health Bar


-- Use the "ForceEnableMod" function when developing a mod. This will cause the
-- game to load the mod every time no matter what, saving you the trouble of
-- re-enabling it from the main menu.
-- Note! You shout NOT do this for normal mod loading. Please use the Mods menu
-- from the main screen instead.


-- Use "EnableModDebugPrint()" to show extra information during startup.


-- Use "EnableModError()" to make the game more strict and crash on bad mod practices.


return {
--#Wormhole marks
["workshop-362175979"] = { enabled = true },
--#Health Info
["workshop-375859599"] = { enabled = true },
--#Global Positions
["workshop-378160973"] = { enabled = true },
--#Food Values
["workshop-458940297"] = { enabled = true },
--#Finder Mod
["workshop-786654500"] = { enabled = true },
--#Epic Health Bar
["workshop-1185229307"] = { enabled = true },



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