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Some feedback...

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Haven't posted feedback so far, now's the time.

So to start with: I really really like the game. It's insanely fun for the most part.
Phase 2 introduced some cool enhancements as well, I really like the over world with the cards to collect and it gives a good opportunity to explore and train.

I haven't used it in anger yet, but if that's not there already, are there plans to provide players with shortcuts (ie steps) to allow them to do a section over & over? That'd be helpful.

In a similar vein, also wish the character could cling on more things and boosts himself up ledges. Arguably, it could make things too easy, however the movement could be made very time consuming to therefore put people off using it. But it would help beginners not to get stuck too much in a particular section. It can be quite frustrating!

I would also appreciate some sort of "eye tracking" when jumpin on small platforms. In such sections I tend to look at my feet to jump more precisely, so if the game could subtly help with this it would help the flow.

I've noticed that sometimes the character shoulders can clip on things and mess up a jump. I had that in the kitchen sections where there are overhead cupboards. In those circumstances, I thought I wasn't crouching but clearly I wasn't fully standing either. Some sort of indicator of whether the character is touching something could help.

Another thing that's sometimes hard to tell is how close you are from the edge of a ledge. There's already a audio cue when you fall, but something to give an idea of how "optimal" your jump is would be awesome. Again, thinking of the flow of the jumps...

Last but not least, I'm not a fan of fans. I find the fan sections especially frustrating. I can see that the biggest one (I can't remember the level's name, sorry) was given a checkpoint in the middle, which is great, but it's not quite enough for me. Couldn't fans have grids so you don't die that much? Sometimes you can only have a glimpse of where you should go before dying. Those sections are where the game loses its fun for me.

So that's me done, keep up the good work it's a solid game already, despite my few gripes!


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  • Developer

Thanks for the detailed feedback!  

We have played with visualizing projected jump results before but were unsuccessful at making them useful.  We will continue to explore this.

The 'touching' indicator sounds like an excellent idea.  Kind of like how you see the damage direction in shooter games, it would provide feedback on what went wrong.  This was not something we had considered before.

Patching the vents as we speak :D





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