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help cant get CheckBattery to work more then once

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ok so im trying to make it so when u put something with the lightbattery tag in to sootys inventory it will act like a lamp but for some rasin its only doing the CheckBattery once then it wont do it ever agen in till the world is reloaded

local assets=                              
    Asset("ANIM", "anim/sooty.zip"),
    Asset("ANIM", "anim/swap_sooty.zip"),
    Asset("ATLAS", "images/inventoryimages/sooty.xml"),
    Asset("IMAGE", "images/inventoryimages/sooty.tex"),
} TheNet:Say("1") -- this dose a thing im not sure what
prefabs = {
} TheNet:Say("2")
local function onfinished(inst)
end  TheNet:Say("3") -- this dose a thing im not sure what

local function onopen(inst)
end TheNet:Say("4")

local function onclose(inst)
end  TheNet:Say("5")

local function LightBattery(item)
	return item:HasTag("lightbattery")
end  TheNet:Say("6")

local function FindBattery(inst, fn)
    return inst.components.container:FindItem(fn)

local function OnEquip(inst, owner)
    owner.AnimState:OverrideSymbol("swap_object", "swap_sooty", "sooty") -- this is kinda a folder parth swap_object = exported folder > swap_prefab > prefab
	local lightbattery = --[[ works for all forms ]] FindBattery(inst, LightBattery)
		if inst._lightbattery ~= lightbattery then TheNet:Say("check battery 1") -- its only checking for this on world load up ...y
		if lightbattery ~= nil then
			if inst._lightbattery == nil then TheNet:Say("ive got a battery") -- its only checking for this on world load up ...y
		elseif inst._lightbattery ~= nil then
	inst._lightbattery = lightbattery
	TheNet:Say("OnEquip work")
end   -- this dose a thing im not sure what think it alowes to to go in to the hand slot
local function OnUnequip(inst, owner)
end   -- this dose a thing im not sure what think it alowes it to leave the hand slot

local function fn(sim)
    local inst = CreateEntity()
    local trans = inst.entity:AddTransform()
    local anim = inst.entity:AddAnimState()
    local sound = inst.entity:AddSoundEmitter()
    inst.Light:SetColour(180 / 255, 195 / 255, 150 / 255)

    inst.entity:AddTransform()    -- this dose a thing im not sure what
    inst.entity:AddAnimState()  -- this dose a thing im not sure what
    inst.entity:AddNetwork()  -- this dose a thing im not sure what
    MakeInventoryPhysics(inst)   -- this dose a thing im not sure what
    anim:SetBank("sooty")  -- this dose a thing im not sure what
    anim:SetBuild("sooty")  -- this dose a thing im not sure what
    anim:PlayAnimation("idle")  -- this dose a thing im not sure what

    if not TheWorld.ismastersim then
        return inst
    end  -- this dose a thing im not sure what
    inst.entity:SetPristine()  -- this dose a thing im not sure what
    inst:AddComponent("inspectable")  -- this dose a thing im not sure what think it alowes a player to inspect the item
    inst:AddComponent("inventoryitem")  -- this dose a thing im not sure what
    inst.components.inventoryitem.imagename = "sooty"  -- this dose a thing im not sure what think this is the pic it sues for inventory
    inst.components.inventoryitem.atlasname = "images/inventoryimages/sooty.xml"  -- this dose a thing im not sure what
    inst:AddComponent("equippable")  -- this dose a thing im not sure what think this makes the eqping work
    inst.components.container.onopenfn = onopen
    inst.components.container.onclosefn = onclose

	inst.components.equippable.dapperness = TUNING.DAPPERNESS_HUGE -- this makes it oso dapper
    return inst
end TheNet:Say("8")  -- this is the end
return  Prefab("common/inventory/sooty", fn, assets, prefabs)   -- this dose a thing im not sure what


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turns out that its just giving the light to the sooty item on the 1st time its put in the players hand from world load up then when its no longer in the players hand it wont light up no matter what in till the game is restarted or a new sooty it placed in the hand slot

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