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making industrial fluid cleaning products.

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Would be great if you could turn bleach stone into bleach tablets, like the ones we put in our toilet / hot tub tanks to keep them sterile.

could put a bottle of bleach into the water machine that puts fluid back.  and it could kill germs much faster, but if you put to much per vol of water, it would be caustic to the dups skin.

for game mechanics, i would say, as it kills germs it consumes the bleach, and it would disperse evenly into the body of fluid. so if you measure right, as all the germs are gone so is the majority of the bleach.

You could also make an upgraded water sleeve, that needs chlorine gas pumped into it,so the water it shoots out is very very low to nil germ.

Also, using bleach watered down in the air mover fan thing could be like using free-breeze in your home.

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