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Add a dupe-centric visual indicator to the thermal comfort overlay

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It is very difficult to tell how much heat loss or gain effects the dupicants - they all become ticking time bombs for injury in very hot or very cold areas - there's no way to tell when they'll go off. Obviously it's not a good idea for them to linger but the comfort overlay gives no indication as to how long they can remain in an area before getting heat stroke, being scalded or coming down with hypothermia. This, quite honestly, is a mystery to me.

It would be nice to have the chilly and hot effects actively displayed and directly attached to the duplicants in this overlay - something to the effect as meter or vertical bar ( similar to the agriculture overlay ) beneath the duplicant which either rises or falls or behaves simliar to that of the O2 bar. The red, green and blue  thermals could effectively be used here if they were on all the time rather than only triggering for chilly and hot conditions.

PS, frostbite should be a thing?

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