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Custom Duplicant Generation

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I would like to have the option for a balanced character generation where I can choose exactly how the first three duplicants have their attributes, traits, interests, etc. I'm perfectly fine with having to choose between random duplicants during play, but clicking "Shuffle" 10000 times during world generation for 20 minutes isn't fun. Both result in duplicants that I actually want, but one takes FAR more time than the other.

Rimworld did this through modding, but I haven't seen any mods for this game yet other than a map size change on Steam.

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Even if it was points-limited, like Rimworld's Prepare Carefully mod (with points checkmark enabled), this would be better than re-rolling forever. Stats cost some amount per level (maybe non-linear), and buffs, perks, debuffs, etc all cost or refund some amount. As a first-slice, the game could just do it completely unrestricted as you describe, with maybe a checkmark in the new-game options, like the custom air / food options.

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