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Radiators and heat radiation - Newby question

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Hi all,


I am not asking for any specific solution here, but to make sure I have the correct concept as I plan out systems for heating and cooling gases or liquids.


Do radiators and similar things work in game?  So if I have a pipe filled with a cooled gas or liquid and run the pipe back and forth in the room will it cool the room and the items in the room?

In addition - can you create a heat pump in game?

Another question, does heat in general rise and cold sink in game?  Meaning that if you had cooling on top of a shaft that ran from top to bottom on your colony, would you get cold air falling through the column and if you put two column on the outer sides of the colony can you create convection air flow?





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17 minutes ago, Major SNAFU said:

if I have a pipe filled with a cooled gas or liquid and run the pipe back and forth in the room will it cool the room and the items in the room?

Yes. This topic might be helpful.


17 minutes ago, Major SNAFU said:

can you create a heat pump in game?

I don't know exactly about heat pump, from what I've seen from wiki just now, I guess it's similar with thermo aquatuner and thermo regulator


22 minutes ago, Major SNAFU said:

does heat in general rise and cold sink in game?

In some case, the answer is yes. But it works in a different way from real world. 


We might have a better simulation of the real world in the future.

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