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Favorite bathroom design

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So I've been working on a bathroom design that can be built on cycle 1 and then upgraded to be really nice artistic expression research is complete because some bathroom structures are rather ugly.  Once basic farming is done, there is space for a compost pile to get rid of the polluted dirt.

The cycle 1 design plan is: door, 2 spaces for shower, wash basin, wash basin, space, outhouse, outhouse, 3 spaces, door.  Ceiling is 4 spaces for the shower and 5 for above the sinks and toilets to left space for paintings, and then down to 3 for the sculpture and back up to 4 for the compost pile.  Compost pile can also be replaced with a second shower after outhouses are replaced with lavatories. The ceiling needs to come down to limit the size to exactly 64 tiles.

If the bathroom's in the center of the base, the second door can set to 'enter only' in the permissions so that duplicant's can only leave by the sinks; or if it's built at the edge, the back can lead to a polluted water dumpsite so that when duplicants empty the polluted water from the wash basins they also have to pass by the sinks to return.

However, there is a need for ladders to reach the ceiling unless you build down from above; so it's a bit inconvenient.  But once the paintings are in, the ladders can be deconstructed and replaced with sculptures, and the decor is really solid.  There's also a space for a ceiling light for a 10% illumination bonus


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