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Custom character items not working

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I am currently trying to mod a custom character into the game, and as of now when you craft an item you lose the stuff and it doesn't spawn the item in your inventory. As I'm not certain where I've gone wrong (and am desperately hoping that someone else may be able to point it out and tell me how to fix it so I can learn) I've attached the entirety of the mod file. Any pointers and potential fixes are greatly appreciated.

Mod that desperately needs help with items.zip

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alright its been awhile. so some small things to get you on your way. the thing you were really missing was this:

return Prefab("healthpoem", fn, assets, prefabs)

at the end of your item prefabs. this will let the game know its an item.

next, if you try to use that, it will still crash. you need to be renaming the builds for your items as well, so that its not trying to make something that it thinks it already has.

example, in your anim.build for each of these items, you have marked as books, which i think wickerbottom already uses. i went in and renamed these each to the name of the item to which it applies to. ie "healthpoem". so when the game goes to build the prefab, it now knows that its an item, and it checks for which build it should use.


i got it to work, but it still crashes when i craft any of them because it cant find any poem component. hope this helps a bit.

Monika Mod help.zip

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