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Please Help me with the mods

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Hello everyone!

So, I followed the guide on how to create a dedicated server (this one), and I wanted to add mods on it.

I spent many hours trying to get this to work, but without any luck. As every guides had a different version on it, I assume everything should be almost correct, with only small adjustments to be made for it to work properly.

I'd be super grateful if any of you could help me fixing this issue, as  I really wanted this to work.

Based on some research, what I did was: Host a game and setup my server mods how I want them to be, join the server and once I successfully join, disconnect. Went to that server's folder, took the modoverrides.lua file and placed them on both Caves and Master folders. 

After that, I went to my game's directory - mod folder, copied all the mods and placed them on the mods folder on my dedicated server.

This is how my dedicated server looks like, in screenshots:

Klei - DoNotStarveTogether

Klei - DoNotStarveTogether - MyDediServer

Klei - DoNotStarveTogether - MyDediServer - Caves

Klei - DoNotStarveTogether - MyDediServer - Master

Klei - DoNotStarveTogether - MyDediServer - mods


Inside the Caves and Master folders, the modoverrides.lua is as follows:

return {
  ["workshop-1185229307"]={ configuration_options={  }, enabled=true },
    configuration_options={ DFV_Language="EN", DFV_MinimalMode="default" },
  ["workshop-370047879"]={ configuration_options={ Mode="off", daygain="dmi" }, enabled=true },
    configuration_options={ [""]=true, eightxten="8x10", workit="yep" },
  ["workshop-458587300"]={ configuration_options={ Ownership=false, Travel_Cost=64 }, enabled=true },
  ["workshop-569043634"]={ configuration_options={  }, enabled=true },
    configuration_options={ surf_sanity="y", wcraftpot="y", wilburrun="y", woodlegs_sanity="n" },

Inside the mods folder, the dedicated_server_mods_setup.lua is as follows:

--There are two functions that will install mods, ServerModSetup and ServerModCollectionSetup. Put the calls to the functions in this file and they will be executed on boot.

--ServerModSetup takes a string of a specific mod's Workshop id. It will download and install the mod to your mod directory on boot.
	--The Workshop id can be found at the end of the url to the mod's Workshop page.
	--Example: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=350811795

--ServerModCollectionSetup takes a string of a specific mod's Workshop id. It will download all the mods in the collection and install them to the mod directory on boot.
	--The Workshop id can be found at the end of the url to the collection's Workshop page.
	--Example: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=379114180

The modsettings.lua. also inside the mods folder:

-- Use the "ForceEnableMod" function when developing a mod. This will cause the
-- game to load the mod every time no matter what, saving you the trouble of
-- re-enabling it from the main menu.
-- Note! You shout NOT do this for normal mod loading. Please use the Mods menu
-- from the main screen instead.


-- Use "EnableModDebugPrint()" to show extra information during startup.


-- Use "EnableModError()" to make the game more strict and crash on bad mod practices.



Once again, thank you for your time going through this.

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The mods folder belongs inside the Server installation folder, not in your shard configuration folder. The server installation folder is the folder you designated in your steamcmd where to install the DST server.

Furthermore you don't need to copy over the mods from your client, you can just use the dedicated_server_mods_setup.lua file to download and update them automaticially. Just add the mods using their Steam IDs in there just as the examples tell you and you are good to go.

In your case it should look something like this:

--There are two functions that will install mods, ServerModSetup and ServerModCollectionSetup. Put the calls to the functions in this file and they will be executed on boot.

--ServerModSetup takes a string of a specific mod's Workshop id. It will download and install the mod to your mod directory on boot.
	--The Workshop id can be found at the end of the url to the mod's Workshop page.
	--Example: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=350811795

--ServerModCollectionSetup takes a string of a specific mod's Workshop id. It will download all the mods in the collection and install them to the mod directory on boot.
	--The Workshop id can be found at the end of the url to the collection's Workshop page.
	--Example: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=379114180


Everything else looks fine on the first glance. Let me know if it works after changing things like this, or if I have to take a closer look.

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1 hour ago, Daniel86268 said:

The mods folder belongs inside the Server installation folder, not in your shard configuration folder. The server installation folder is the folder you designated in your steamcmd where to install the DST server.

Furthermore you don't need to copy over the mods from your client, you can just use the dedicated_server_mods_setup.lua file to download and update them automaticially. Just add the mods using their Steam IDs in there just as the examples tell you and you are good to go.

In your case it should look something like this:

--There are two functions that will install mods, ServerModSetup and ServerModCollectionSetup. Put the calls to the functions in this file and they will be executed on boot.

--ServerModSetup takes a string of a specific mod's Workshop id. It will download and install the mod to your mod directory on boot.
	--The Workshop id can be found at the end of the url to the mod's Workshop page.
	--Example: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=350811795

--ServerModCollectionSetup takes a string of a specific mod's Workshop id. It will download all the mods in the collection and install them to the mod directory on boot.
	--The Workshop id can be found at the end of the url to the collection's Workshop page.
	--Example: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=379114180


Everything else looks fine on the first glance. Let me know if it works after changing things like this, or if I have to take a closer look.

I had already tried your alternative, as using the steam IDs on the lua file, so I just dragged it to the right place and it's working!

Just to think that I spent so many hours around a missplaced file :((

Thank you very much for your precious, quick and precise help!

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