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Custom Action without Item

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So, it's been a long while since the last time I made a DST mod.

I do have a concept for a vampiric character in mind, which should be restricted to feed only on living entities in the world of DST - pigmen, rabbits, your fellow players, and so on. The player should be shown a right-mouse-button action shown to "bite" or "feed on" those entities - ideally when the character is holding no item in his hands. If this isn't possible I would prefer a special keybinding for that action instead of binding that action to a custom item.

I have not yet modified playeractions. I know there is a mod named "Custom Actions", which for example enables players to jump. But that mod gives those new actions to all players on the server.
I also know the "Playable Pets" mod, which has keybindings for certain actions the pets or monsters do, but I guess this mod calls existing actions.

So, how do I start?
Do you know mods, which give their custom character a custom action without using an item or do something similar which I could study?
Or could you write me a basic example which I could expand as necessary?

Best Regards

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