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A buff for the Grass Suit: Protection from the elements.

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I feel the Straw Suit is, for good reason, very underused and could benefit from some love.

I propose that the Grass Suit gets:

  • Additional 20% resistance to wetness (equivalent to a breezy vest)
  • Additional 60 insulation points from summer heat (equivalent to a straw hat)
  • Additional 60 insulation points from winter cold (equivalent to the rabbit earmuffs)

My rationale is this...

Despite both grass suits and log suits running on fairly mundane materials, the log suit is a blatant direct upgrade to the grass suit... why even use it? Even newbies, why pretty much EVER use it at all unless you simply found it? You'd do better to focus on getting a science machine and make the log suit, it blocks better, it lasts way longer, it runs on equally mundane items. Get a log suit.

But with these buffs?

Imagine joining in the dead of summer. A (buffed) grass suit + a grass hat + a pretty parasol (all tier 0 science) makes for an even 240 insulation. That exactly equal to an Eyebrella. Holy crap, right? Then when you're doing chores (chopping trees, mining rocks, fighting enemies, etc), when you have to put your pretty parasol away you've still got 120 insulation, rather than 60. That's equivalent to an umbrella, except you've got your tools out.

Further, the grass suit runs on ingredients very similar to the Straw Hat and visually goes with it. It only seems natural that it'd have straw hat like stats. This grass-hat style stat boost would turn the grass suit into a lovely sidegrade to the logsuit for very early game. Not to mention, the newer players, who are probably going to use this the most, are going to feel compelled NOT to tank, lest they lose the grass suit's protection from the elements, thereby encouraging good kiting behavior while simultaneously offering them a bit of forgiveness if they do indeed get hit.

It's the perfect newbie item.

  • Wouldn't this buff make the straw hat, (which runs off of almost the same exact recipe yet loses durability over time and has no armor) obsolete?

I'm worried about that too but I'm thinking that it'd be just fine. The thing about the straw hat is that it still leaves you with an important decision: For abooout the same resources, do you want to craft, A. Some protective armor that also keeps you warm/cool, and dry but replaces your backpack or, B. A hat that lets you wear a backpack, that keeps you cool, and that you'll probably eventually repurpose into a Miner Hat near the end of its life. Considering grass suits and grass hats have nearly identical recipes, it's quite the decision. I can't definitely say one's better than the other for most situations. If I can't say that, then it sounds like a sidegrade to me.

  • And what about rabbit earmuffs, (which, when you factor in the crafting of the trap, effectively requires 6 grass and 4 twigs in addition to the pain of snatching 2 rabbits, making them fairly similar recipes)

This... is a little sketchier. But you're still sacrifice your backpack slot. That's insanely valuable. Going through the hassle of chasing 2 rabbits around for a bit so that you can take your grass suit off and still keep warm (for whatever 60 insulation's good for lol...) might feel worth it to the player. Might actually feel worth it for me... If this isn't balanced and I'm just talking out of my ass, I would say that it's a testament to the underpowered nature of rabbit earmuffs, rather than a testament to the buffed grass suit being overpowered.

  • What about the log suit. Isn't this going to challenge the log suit?

Yup, and that's the idea. If you're, say, deliberately tanking the Deerclops, you're gonna want the proper armor to go with it. i.e. get a log suit. But what if you're, say, kiting it with several people, and the plan isn't to get hit but you still want a bit of cushion in case you make a mistake so you don't just BOOM get hit and lose literally half your health. Maybe a log suit is overkill, not to mention the added insulation might allow you to stay in the fight longer, which is important as kiting the Deerclops is going to take far more time than tanking it. So now we've got a distinct purpose for the grass suit and a distinct purpose for the log suit. Sounds like a sidegrade to me.

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