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The Bosonic water bottle

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Most matter is fermions, but the bosonic water bottle tricks the electrons into thinking they are bosons, allowing multiple to fit into one state. Here is about 25 or so initially maxed out bottles (25t) of pwater (most of the pwater in the map) that are outgassing. Ignore the pipes. The small amount of pwater in the tank is from another source and may or may not be important to outgassing (outgassing doesn't always happen); large amounts of any liquid block outgassing but not small amounts.

To set this up I had 6 pumps pumping to liquid vents stacked on top of each-other pouring water onto a tile. Water would then spill back into the reservoir. Add a high priority mop task on that tile, run the game slow (to avoid partial pwater deletion, there is a bug). They mop and mop and mop. Every 50t or so drop the pwater into the reservoir to limit outgassing before the bottles are in a sealed tank.

Popped ear drums...


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