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Issues with creating a dedicated server.

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Hello! I am currently attempting to create a dedicated server but I have came across a certain issue while trying to make the steam directory. Does anyone know how I can resolve this issue?


This occurs after I put in : 

curl -sqL "https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/client/installer/steamcmd_osx.tar.gz" | tar zxvf -

within my terminal. Thank you!


EDIT: I use a mac :)

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First of all it looks like you are having issues setting up steamcmd, not the dedicated server.
Have you tried to download the file first and unpack it afterwards? So we can at least find out which command causes issues here. I'd assume the unpacking causes the issues, maybe due to incompatible name strings inside the package?

If that still doesn't work just download the package manually on your PC/Mac/whatever device you are using with a graphical interface and unpack it manually using 7zip or something similar you are familiar with. Afterwards just push the files onto your server using FTP for example.

Good luck :D

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