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No more chlorine!

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Hi all,

I've just made this little mod for myself to remove Chlorine from the game until a future version make it useful or at least consumable.

I just don't find it fun to spend my dupes' time building vaults to move all the chlorine to.


To install, first make a backup of the following folder (relative to where your game is installed):


Then unzip the archive (attached) onto it replacing the existing files.

To uninstall, just restore the original files that you backed up.

If you forgot to backup, you can also use the steam option to verify the integrity of the game files. This will effectively restore the original files.


This will only for newly generated games.

Any future game update, even small hotfixes will potentially render this mod unusable, but it should not affect games already in progress.

If you made changes to any of the files modified by my mod, your changes will be overwritten.


Let me know if you have any question.


worldgen - OU230023.zip

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Chlorine is consumable and it is actually useful in this release. But if you want to get rid of it, you can build a wall around the single chlorine geyser you find in the map and then convert whatever chlorine you find around the map into a few tiles of liquid chlorine using a single wheezewort.

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