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Mature group mostly active on the weekend


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If you're looking for a group of mature DST players with a dedicated server you should join The Famished Wanderers Convention. Our server is hosted in the US and we only have a few mods installed. Our server is up 24/7 but we mostly play on the weekend. We play two different worlds during the week. Both worlds are on Endless mode with a password that is posted in Discord. Every Saturday 10AM-10PM EST and Sunday 2PM-10PM EST we play our weekend world. There are usually 4-8 players online and in voice chat on the weekend.

Our play style is based on creating one main base for everyone to share and long games that last hundreds of days. Right now our weekend world is around day 300. We're not strict on rules and we don't try to force people to play a certain way. You can play however you like. We have new players and experienced players. We have members who play almost every week and members who only play about once a month.

Here's the list of mods we use:
Moderator Commands
Global Positions
Repair Combine

We primarily communicate on Discord.
Here's the discord invite link - https://discord.gg/Ghu6X7z

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