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Hi @ll,
i spent a bit time with this funny game now and i really like it. Best interactive screensaver ever.

No big bugs so far, some vents and machines needed to rebuild, biggest problem is for me that my funny slaves sometimes refuse to harvest food and that could be quick end of game, when i would have not so many reserves. I like to have reserves and no one of this cute slaves died so far.
The game is not easy, but always fair, that temperaturestuff and gasmixture is fascinating and smart. The savegamesystem is a lifesaver many times.
Good game, liked DST very much, but ONI i like much more.
I have perhaps 2-4,32% of map to uncover and that leads me to a suggestion.

Warpportal to a fresh map, make it expensive 50k Gold to open new worlds, but to manage more then one slimeworld at once. No onewaytravel/restart, expand micromanagement (not enough) ^^

Fast Screenjumperthings POI. I have to scroll many screens around my map to check many things every cycle. Can you make Press Alt + 1-9 to travel to saved viewsavepoints through Strg+1-9 or similar to opt that scrolling, when i use ultimate zoom Alt+s my system lags bad for the rest of the game (restart)

Parasitebox Build a cage, place it at the monsterlocation, storing temperature and everything that little creeper needs for 5 cycles, i want to have a zoo!
To complicated to lure them together and they die quick while on route 666.

Screen overlay for energy or a value you want. Place it in the cirle (gas/energy) and you can get info on HUD.

Thank you for this nice game :)


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