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Job Priority

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I would like to be able to assign them to all jobs but say ok you will dig if there is no digging then you will do job a then job b then job c and so on. That way someone with high digging would dig before anything else but still do other jobs rather than standing around idle.

I would also like to see time management. Right now they go to sleep at the same time and wake at the same time. Night owls should stay up nights and sleep days. also , here should be a time set aside for stress relief.

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With a little practice you can achieve this in game with the job toggling.  But you have to manually change the job toggles when you want a desired affect.

I use this to make my minions faster by forcing a select few to always use the tread mill generator early on.  This way they get around much quicker mid game.

Also I use my good diggers / builders by changing their jobs to only that when I need to prioritize a build.  With this method I can affective complete a large building & digging project in a matter of a couple cycles instead of pulling my hair out and yelling at them for running back and fourth a lot.

Essentially most people let their dupes do everything all the time but I don't think they were meant to be left this way late game.

I see a lot of posts where people are angry at the priority system when they could fix this by specializing some of their dupes.

I plan to put together a list of suggestions on how to manage priority by specializing Dupes.

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