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Let Air Scrubber/plants give small amount of gas

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I constantly run into the issue of low pressure after cleaning CO2 in my base unless I have a morb farm going.  That's fine and all, but I feel like the Air Scrubbers shouldn't just remove CO2 without providing something, even if it's just the slightest amount of gas.  My current base in build 208689, I'm just using a Hydrogen Generator to remove the CO2 cause then I don't need to clear the water.  I assume this is going to get fixed at some point, so I'd like to see some reason to use the Air Scrubber vs just pumping all my CO2 into a morb farm.

Same with all those potted plants.  That should be converting CO2 to oxygen, even if it's just a tiny amount.  They could literally give like 10 oxygen per 1000 CO2 for all I care, but they should be doing something.

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34 minutes ago, Afira said:

I agree. I was really surprised plants did not filter some of the gas to oxygen. that is after all how oxygen is made

Nonsense, everyone knows that oxygen is actually made by secret humanoids living under the earth constantly running electrolysers powered by hamster wheels despite no sunlight for hamster food, and using up giant finite lakes of water in the Earth. That's why we're going to run out in 2035, when their lakes get used up. This is elementary school stuff, come on.

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