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New to Character Creation

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Hello everyone, I'm a little new to modding and I'm starting out by creating my first new character. I've followed the guide where it shows how to set up the files within the game and how to start it up, but now I'm stuck on actually making it my own.

I'm not sure if this is the correct way to do it, but basically what I'm doing is drawing my own foot, headbase, face, leg, etc images and saving them with a resolution of 300x300 or 100x100 depending on which body part it is, and saving them as a PNG file. I then replace these custom drawings with the ones in the exported folder of my custom characters respectively.

When I try to start the game to test out the mod, most of the things work, but like the feet, the legs, and other things don't show up. The head and face duplicate themselves and seem out of whack. Also, the faces that I've cleared from my character's folder still show up in game.

Maybe I'm not doing this right, so I would appreciate some help. Thank you :)

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On 16/11/2016 at 9:33 PM, suckafoola said:

When I try to start the game to test out the mod, most of the things work, but like the feet, the legs, and other things don't show up.

So it's strange they don't show up, but you can't replace image by others images as far as i know because it puts everything in disorder. Size of the image is important. What i did when i tried is : open the image, create a new layer, put my image on it, try to make it fit the original position of the body part, erase the original body part and save. Also, i'm not sure you can erase faces.

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