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[FEATURE REQUEST] Sinkhole management

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I wanna request a new feature to help manage +2 shard servers.

What I want added, basically, is maybe something in the cluster.ini or server.ini that lets you choose number of cave entrances / exits per shard, and to choose how many of them lead to what shard, and what shard the rest lead to.

Example, Maybe you can have 11 sinkholes in master, 10 in slave1 and 1 in slave2, and you can choose to make 1 of the sinkholes lead to slave2, and 10 of them lead to slave1.

That would be really useful since I wont have to spawn sinkholes and configure them by myself every time world resets, and I won't have to use a mod, which usually reduces the number of people joining the server and is complicated to use.

Thank you for reading.

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