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Worldgeneration: Warning! Could not find a spot for TeleportatoBaseLayout

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Does anyone know a way to increase chances, that worldgeneration will place my layout?!

I'm making a Teleportato Mod at the moment, but the chance that the teleportato_base is placed on the map while generation the world is very very low...I mostly get:
[00:09:29]: Warning! Could not find a spot for TeleportatoBaseLayout in node Beeeees!:5:Forest   

My mod does this in modworldgenmain:

local require = GLOBAL.require

    if tasksetdata.location ~= "forest" then

    tasksetdata.set_pieces["TeleportatoRingLayout"] = { count = 1, tasks={"Make a pick", "Dig that rock", "Great Plains", "Squeltch", "Beeeees!", "Speak to the king", "Forest hunters", "Badlands", "Befriend the pigs", "For a nice walk", "The hunters", "Magic meadow", "Frogs and bugs"}}
    tasksetdata.set_pieces["TeleportatoBoxLayout"] = { count = 1, tasks={"Make a pick", "Dig that rock", "Great Plains", "Squeltch", "Beeeees!", "Speak to the king", "Forest hunters", "Badlands", "Befriend the pigs", "For a nice walk", "The hunters", "Magic meadow", "Frogs and bugs"}}
    tasksetdata.set_pieces["TeleportatoPotatoLayout"] = { count = 1, tasks={"Make a pick", "Dig that rock", "Great Plains", "Squeltch", "Beeeees!", "Speak to the king", "Forest hunters", "Badlands", "Befriend the pigs", "For a nice walk", "The hunters", "Magic meadow", "Frogs and bugs"}}
    tasksetdata.set_pieces["TeleportatoCrankLayout"] = { count = 1, tasks={"Make a pick", "Dig that rock", "Great Plains", "Squeltch", "Beeeees!", "Speak to the king", "Forest hunters", "Badlands", "Befriend the pigs", "For a nice walk", "The hunters", "Magic meadow", "Frogs and bugs"}}
    tasksetdata.set_pieces["TeleportatoBaseLayout"] = { count = 1, tasks={"Make a pick", "Dig that rock", "Great Plains", "Squeltch", "Beeeees!", "Speak to the king", "Forest hunters", "Badlands", "Befriend the pigs", "For a nice walk", "The hunters", "Magic meadow", "Frogs and bugs"}}


I'm not quite sure if the "tasks" are correct? I just added every task I found. Since Deja Vu wrote, that these are the possible biomes it can spawn, I thought when I just add every biome, the chances would be higher...


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I "solved" it now by increasing the count number. So up to 2 from each layout are generated now.
And after the world is loaded, I check how many teleportato items are there. Then I remove everything but 1, or add one if it was still not created...

But of course this is an ugly workaround and might cause problems at servers where players leave game with teleportato item in inventory... since my mod will create a new part, and if this payer joins again, one part will be deleted...

Edited by Serpens
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6 hours ago, Serpens said:

[00:09:29]: Warning! Could not find a spot for TeleportatoBaseLayout in node Beeeees!:5:Forest


local require = GLOBAL.require

	local function Add_IIBE_Mask(layout)
		layout.layout_position = LAYOUT_POSITION.CENTER

	local layouts = require("map/layouts")

	local teleportato_layouts = {

	for i, v in ipairs(teleportato_layouts) do
4 hours ago, Serpens said:

But of course this is an ugly workaround and might cause problems at servers where players leave game with teleportato item in inventory... since my mod will create a new part, and if this payer joins again, one part will be deleted...

Parts have the "irreplaceable" tag anyway, they drop when people leave the server.

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