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Don't Cook the Rabbits!

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So, I'm trying to have a character refuse when ordered to cook a rabbit by the player.
I don't just want to remove the option of cooking. I want something else being done than usual instead.
I would also like to do this in regards of "murdering" and attacking rabbits, when this function does what is intended.

So far, I can make the cooking action fail. No cooked morsel is given to the player. The character says the line which is stored in Actionfail,Cook,Generic though instead of the bunny-related message. Also, right now the bunny is not returned into the inventory. It is deleted from the game and I'm not sure how to return it.

The code is located in modmain.lua


 old_cook_fn = GLOBAL.ACTIONS.COOK.fn
 function GLOBAL.ACTIONS.COOK.fn(act)
	print (act.doer)
	print (act.doer.prefab)
	if (act.doer ~= nil and act.doer.prefab == "jessica") then
		-- do either  return false  if the action should fail, or  return old_cook_fn(act)  if the target can be cooked
		local ingredient = act.doer.components.inventory:RemoveItem(act.invobject)
		print (ingredient.prefab)
		if ingredient.prefab == "rabbit" then
			--this part of the code is reached, tested with prints into the console

			act.doer.components.talker:Say("No, I'm not going to cook it.")
			--the above line doesnt appear (maybe its overwritten too fast?) and instead  ACTIONFAIL,COOK,GENERIC is displayed.
			--neither of both lines appears in the client chatlog.
			--act.doer.components.talker:Say(GetString(act.doer, "ANNOUNCE_NOCOOKRABBIT"))
			--the above line crashes  :(   --regards GetString as undefined Global variable
			--there has been added an entry for ANNOUNCE_NOCOOKRABBIT in the character-specific speech files!
			--then either return rabbit to inventory or "cursor" or release it somewhere near the fire, because otherwise it just 'vanished'.
			--what would be the correct code for a return into the inventory or freeing the bunny without accidentally having it die in the fire?
			return old_cook_fn(act)
		return old_cook_fn(act)


Edited by KainMorgen
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old_cook_fn = GLOBAL.ACTIONS.COOK.fn
function GLOBAL.ACTIONS.COOK.fn(act)
	print (act.doer)
	print (act.doer.prefab)
	if (act.doer ~= nil and act.doer.prefab == "jessica") then
		-- do either  return false  if the action should fail, or  return old_cook_fn(act)  if the target can be cooked
		print (tostring(act.invobject))
		if act.invobject ~= nil and act.invobject.prefab == "rabbit" then
			--this part of the code is reached, tested with prints into the console

			--act.doer.components.talker:Say("No, I'm not going to cook it.")
			--the above line doesnt appear (maybe its overwritten too fast?) and instead  ACTIONFAIL,COOK,GENERIC is displayed.
			--neither of both lines appears in the client chatlog.
			--act.doer.components.talker:Say(GetString(act.doer, "ANNOUNCE_NOCOOKRABBIT"))
			--the above line crashes  :(   --regards GetString as undefined Global variable
			--there has been added an entry for ANNOUNCE_NOCOOKRABBIT in the character-specific speech files!
			--then either return rabbit to inventory or "cursor" or release it somewhere near the fire, because otherwise it just 'vanished'.
			--what would be the correct code for a return into the inventory or freeing the bunny without accidentally having it die in the fire?
			return false, "NOCOOKRABBIT" -- or whatever the string is identified as (ACTIONFAIL.COOK.NOCOOKRABBIT)
			return old_cook_fn(act)
		return old_cook_fn(act)


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Thanks Muche.

The code you provided keeps the rabbit in the cursor and the cooking does fail.
Still, Actionfail.cook.generic is called instead of Actionfail.cook.nocookrabbit.
The character says Willow's line "Ew, I can't cook this" instead of the rabbit specific line. (speech_jessica is based on willow's file)

The above was caused by an incompatibility with another mod called "Rowing", which also creates a function that is called instead of the default action and then calls the action itself, but discards all additional arguments that were given to the first call. Thus the "NOCOOKRABBIT" argument for data was discarded by Rowing.


speech_jessica is included in modmain.lua
STRINGS.CHARACTERS.JESSICA = require "speech_jessica"

speech_jessica has this entry in the Actionfail subsection:

            GENERIC = "I can't cook this! Ew!",
            NOCOOKRABBIT = "I don't want to cook rabbits.",
            INUSE = "Someone else is cooking.",
            TOOFAR = "It's too far awaaaaay!",

I see, that in actions.lua   "return false, "TOOFAR"" is used just the way you suggested.
Still it doesn't seem to accept this identifier when I try to cook a rabbit in a firepit.
There is no warning or crash given, though.

Jessica V3.rar

Edited by KainMorgen
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