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crash of the game when leave the caves

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Hi all,

does anyone have an idea what caused this crash?

it comes from the basic game or mod?

this error occurs when I leave the caves to return to the overworld

thx you very much for your help


[00:01:49]: [string "scripts/components/clock.lua"]:227: attempt to index field '?' (a nil value)
LUA ERROR stack traceback:
scripts/components/clock.lua:227 in (method) LongUpdate (Lua) <222-326>
   self =
      GetDebugString = function - scripts/components/clock.lua:385
      LongUpdate = function - scripts/components/clock.lua:222
      OnUpdate = function - scripts/components/clock.lua:222
      inst = 100029 - forest_network (valid:true)
   dt = 0
   remainingtimeinphase = 300
scripts/entityscript.lua:1547 in (method) LongUpdate (Lua) <1540-1550>
   self (valid:true) =
      GUID = 100029
      inlimbo = false
      actionreplica = table: 0F676578
      event_listening = table: 0F677068
      ShardClient = ShardClient (617B0950)
      actioncomponents = table: 0F676848
      lower_components_shadow = table: 0F676730
      entity = Entity (4068B8A8)
      prefab = forest_network
      updatecomponents = table: 4B811430
      Network = Network (617B0970)
      persists = false
      OnRemoveEntity = function - scripts/prefabs/world_network.lua:12
      event_listeners = table: 0F676F78
      modactioncomponents = table: 4B87C9E0
      spawntime = 0
      name = MISSING NAME
      replica = table: 0F6769B0
      pendingtasks = table: 4B80A770
      components = table: 0F676960
      PostInit = function - scripts/prefabs/world_network.lua:1
   dt = 0
   k = clock
   v = table: 4B810760
scripts/prefabs/world_network.lua:2 in (method) PostInit (Lua) <1-10>
   inst = 100029 - forest_network (valid:true)
scripts/prefabs/world.lua:216 in (method) PostInit (Lua) <214-234>
   inst = 100023 - world (valid:true)
scripts/prefabs/world_network.lua:26 in (field) fn (Lua) <19-34>
   inst = 100029 - forest_network (valid:true)
scripts/scheduler.lua:194 in (method) OnTick (Lua) <168-225>
   self =
      running = table: 4B65A1E8
      waitingfortick = table: 4B659F40
      tasks = table: 4B65A1C0
      waking = table: 4B87DB38
      attime = table: 4B65A260
      hibernating = table: 4B65A238
   tick = 1
   k = PERIODIC 100029: 0.000000
   v = true
   already_dead = false
scripts/scheduler.lua:406 in (global) RunScheduler (Lua) <404-412>
   tick = 1
scripts/update.lua:166 in () ? (Lua) <150-223>
   dt = 0.033333335071802
   tick = 1
   i = 1

[00:01:49]: [string "scripts/components/clock.lua"]:227: attempt to index field '?' (a nil value)
LUA ERROR stack traceback:
    scripts/components/clock.lua:227 in (method) LongUpdate (Lua) <222-326>
    scripts/entityscript.lua:1547 in (method) LongUpdate (Lua) <1540-1550>
    scripts/prefabs/world_network.lua:2 in (method) PostInit (Lua) <1-10>
    scripts/prefabs/world.lua:216 in (method) PostInit (Lua) <214-234>
    scripts/prefabs/world_network.lua:26 in (field) fn (Lua) <19-34>
    scripts/scheduler.lua:194 in (method) OnTick (Lua) <168-225>
    scripts/scheduler.lua:406 in (global) RunScheduler (Lua) <404-412>
    scripts/update.lua:166 in () ? (Lua) <150-223>


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Just after the crash, the log says

[00:02:07]: Error deserializing lua state for entity forest_network[100029] - Failed to read net var data
[00:02:08]: Error deserializing lua state for entity forest_network[100029] - Failed to read net var data

The only enabled mods I found that touch network prefab are Global Positions (adds a component) and Moderator Commands (adds a net_var).

Looking at the log, this seemed to happen:
the client connects to the master shard (at ~01:17; ModCmds mod is temp_enabled and loaded),
the client migrates to the slave shard (at ~01:33; ModCmds mod is not temp_enabled and not loaded),
the client migrates to the master shard (at ~01:44; ModCmds mod is temp_enabled but not loaded).
the crash occurs due to ModCmds' net_var being present on the server's entity but not on the client's entity, causing incorrect deserialization of forest_network's net_var (_phase residing in the clock component).

I'm not sure why the mod was not loaded.
At the initial mods download phase (at ~01:19), there is a bunch of mods being downloaded, ModCmds not being one of them. As it loaded correctly a little later, it's been already downloaded previously and there wasn't some error downloading it.

Edited by Muche
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