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Looking for help planting a bit of code just right.

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Right, so:

inst:ListenForEvent("equip", function()        inst.AnimState:Show("hair_hat")inst.AnimState:Hide("hair")    end)

This is very very close to what I want, but I don't know how to tell the game to only look at the head slot for the anim change.
I've tried inserting EQUIPSLOTS.HEAD into various spots, but it usually ends with the entire line being voided or simply crashing on startup.

Also, what exactly is the inst function?

Edited by Kaira
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14 hours ago, Kaira said:

Also, what exactly is the inst function?

inst is not a function, it's a table.


inst:ListenForEvent("equip", fn)

does is store the fn on a table, so that when you do

inst:PushEvent("equip", extra_data)

the game will go to the table where the fn was, and will run

fn(inst, extra_data)

If you search for the "equip" event in the player inventory component (which generates them), you find

self.inst:PushEvent("equip", { item = item, eslot = eslot })

self is the inventory.

self.inst is the inst assigned to the inventory, which is a player.

Then you see the event pushed, and a table of information which gets sent along.

In this case, the item entity equipped, and the equipslots where it was equipped get sent.


So you do

local function my_equip_fn(inst, data)
	if data.eslot == EQUIPSLOTS.HEAD then

inst:ListenForEvent("equip", my_equip_fn)

data is the argument name we give to the table I showed you.


If you are using this in modmain, you will need to use GLOBAL.EQUIPSLOTS instead of EQUIPSLOTS, to reference it properly.

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Sorry, I really should've elaborated and added everything I've got for what I'm attempting so far :B

I'm trying to have my character's ears flatten while equipping a hat, so this was the full snip of code I was trying to use to accomplish that-


inst:ListenForEvent("equip", function()        inst.AnimState:Show("hair_hat")inst.AnimState:Hide("hair")    end)

inst:ListenForEvent("unequip", function()        inst.AnimState:Hide("hair_hat")inst.AnimState:Show("hair")    end)


I thought it would be a simple "put this here" that I wasn't quite able to get down, and I could just add that into both snips.
 The example above works better than what I've been able to come up with thus far, buuut leaves my charrie with double ears like a few of my first attempts :B;

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43 minutes ago, Kaira said:

I thought it would be a simple "put this here" that I wasn't quite able to get down, and I could just add that into both snips.
 The example above works better than what I've been able to come up with thus far, buuut leaves my charrie with double ears like a few of my first attempts :B;

You mean like

inst:ListenForEvent("equip", function(inst, data) if data.eslot == EQUIPSLOTS.HEAD then inst.AnimState:Show("hair_hat") inst.AnimState:Hide("hair") end end)
inst:ListenForEvent("unequip", function(inst, data) if data.eslot == EQUIPSLOTS.HEAD then inst.AnimState:Hide("hair_hat") inst.AnimState:Show("hair") end end)


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